All with Function : All « LINQ « VB.Net

All with Function


Imports System
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Collections.Generic

Structure Pet
    Public Name As String
    Public Age As Integer
End Structure

Structure Person
    Public LastName As String
    Public Pets() As Pet
End Structure

Public Class Example

    Public Shared Sub Main() 
        Dim people As New List(Of Person)(New Person() _
            {New Person With {.LastName = "A", .Pets = New Pet() {New Pet With {.Name = "A1", .Age = 10}, _
                                                                  New Pet With {.Name = "A2", .Age = 14}, _
                                                                  New Pet With {.Name = "A3", .Age = 6}}}, _
              New Person With {.LastName = "B", .Pets = New Pet() {New Pet With {.Name = "B1", .Age = 1}}}, _
              New Person With {.LastName = "C", .Pets = New Pet() {New Pet With {.Name = "C1", .Age = 8}}}, _
              New Person With {.LastName = "D", .Pets = New Pet() {New Pet With {.Name = "D1", .Age = 2}, _
                                                  New Pet With {.Name = "D2", .Age = 13}}}})
        Dim names = From person In people _
                    Where person.Pets.All(Function(pet) pet.Age > 5) _
                    Select person.LastName
        For Each name As String In names
    End Sub
End Class


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