PropertyInfo.GetSetMethod : PropertyInfo « Reflection « VB.Net



Imports System
Imports System.Reflection
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Public Class Myproperty
    Private myCaption As String = "A Default caption"

    Public Property Caption() As String
            Return myCaption
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Value As String)
            If myCaption <> value Then
                myCaption = value
            End If
        End Set
    End Property
End Class

Class Mypropertyinfo
    Public Shared Function Main() As Integer
        Dim MyTypea As Type = Type.GetType("Myproperty")
        Dim Mypropertyinfoa As PropertyInfo = MyTypea.GetProperty("Caption")
        Dim MyTypeb As Type = Type.GetType("System.Text.StringBuilder")
        Dim Mypropertyinfob As PropertyInfo = MyTypeb.GetProperty("Length")

        ' Get and display the GetSetMethod method for each property.
        Dim Mygetmethodinfoa As MethodInfo = Mypropertyinfoa.GetSetMethod()
        Console.WriteLine("SetAccessor for " & Mypropertyinfoa.Name & _
           " returns a " & Mygetmethodinfoa.ReturnType.ToString())
        Dim Mygetmethodinfob As MethodInfo = Mypropertyinfob.GetSetMethod()
        Console.WriteLine("SetAccessor for " & Mypropertyinfob.Name & _
           " returns a " & Mygetmethodinfob.ReturnType.ToString())

        Return 0
    End Function
End Class


Related examples in the same category

1.PropertyInfo.Attributes Property gets the attributes for this property.
5.PropertyInfo.GetGetMethod returns the public or non-public get accessor for this property.
6.Get and display the GetGetMethod Method for each property
7.Display the GetGetMethod without using the MethodInfo
9.Get Index Parameters
10.Display the GetSetMethod without using the MethodInfo
12.PropertyInfo.PropertyType Property
14.LocalVariableInfo Class (System.Reflection)_VB.htm