Set column properties by using ADOX.Table : Table Column Field « Access « VBA / Excel / Access / Word

Set column properties by using ADOX.Table

ADO Equivalents to Access Data Types
Microsoft Access Data Type     ADO Equivalent
Binary                         adBinary
Boolean                        adBoolean
Byte                           adUnsignedTinyInt
Currency                       adCurrency
Date                           adDate
Numeric                        adNumeric
Double                         adDouble
Small Integer                  adSmallInt
Integer                        adInteger
Long Binary                    adLongBinary
Memo                           adLongVarWChar
Single                         adSingle
Text                           adWChar

Sub makeTable()
   Dim currCat As New ADOX.Catalog
   Dim newTable As New ADOX.Table
   Dim newKey As New ADOX.Key
   currCat.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
   With newTable
      .Name = "tblTestTable"
      .Columns.Append "custNumber", adInteger
      .Columns("custNumber").ParentCatalog = currCat
      .Columns("custNumber").Properties("AutoIncrement") = True
      newKey.Name = "PrimaryKey"
      newKey.Columns.Append "custNumber"
      .Keys.Append newKey, adKeyPrimary
      .Columns.Append "custFirstName", adWChar
      .Columns.Append "custLastName", adWChar
     End With
     currCat.Tables.Append newTable
     Set currCat = Nothing
End Sub


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1.Append new columns to new table
2.Delete a column
3.Adding a New Field to a Table
4.Removing a Field from a Table
5.Listing Field Properties
6.Get field properties
7.Listing Tables and Their Fields Using the OpenSchema Method
8.Adding a New Money type Field to an Existing Table
9.Adding a Field with SQL command
10.Changing the Field Data Type with SQL command
11.Changing the Size of a Field with SQL command
12.Deleting a Field from a Table with SQL command
13.Setting a Default Value for a Field with SQL command
14.Changing the Start (Seed) Value of the AutoNumber Field with SQL command
15.Read record in recordset by referening the field name with '!'
16.Open a table and read data by column
17.Show field name, type and value data type
18.Read specific columns from Recordset
19.Checking for Existence of a Field