Prints the Day of the Year : DatePart « Date Functions « VBA / Excel / Access / Word

Prints the Day of the Year

Sub DatePartExample()
    Debug.Print DatePart("Y", Now)
End Sub


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1.Using DatePart(interval, date[,firstdayofweek[, firstweekofyear]]) to Parse Dates
2.DatePart("q", Now)
3.DatePart("m", Now)
4.DatePart("d", Now)
5.DatePart("w", Now)
6.DatePart("ww", Now)
7.DatePart("h", Now)
8.DatePart("n", Now)
9.DatePart("s", Now)
10.DatePart returns 'Prints the Year
11.Prints the Month Number
12.Prints the Quarter Number
13.Prints the Week of the Year
14.Break a single date down to its individual components using the DatePart function