find out which names are overlapping the selected cells, regardless of whether they entirely contain the selected cells : Name « Excel « VBA / Excel / Access / Word

find out which names are overlapping the selected cells, regardless of whether they entirely contain the selected cells

     Sub NamesOverlappingSelection()
         Dim sMessage As String
         Dim nmName As name
         Dim rngNameRange As range
         Dim rng As range
         On Error Resume Next
         For Each nmName In Names
             Set rngNameRange = Nothing
             Set rngNameRange = range(
             If Not rngNameRange Is Nothing Then
                 If = Then
                    Set rng = Intersect(Selection, rngNameRange)
                    If Not rng Is Nothing Then
                            sMessage = sMessage & & vbCr
                    End If
                 End If
             End If
         Next nmName
         If sMessage = "" Then
             MsgBox "The selection is not entirely in any name"
             MsgBox sMessage
         End If
     End Sub


Related examples in the same category

1.Using named ranges of cells
2.Storing Values in Names
3.Store formulas into names. The formula must start with an equals sign (=).
4.use the Evaluate method equivalent to evaluate the name in VBA:
5.Hide a name by setting its Visible property to False
6.Hide the name after it has been created:
7.Searching for a Name
8.Searching for the Name of a Range
9.Determining which Names Overlap a Range
10.A name can also store the data stored in an array.
11.specify that the Names collection belongs to a worksheet:
12.Adding Comments for a name
13.storing a formula in a name is the same as for a range
14.use names to store numbers between sessions
15.Checking for the Existence of a Name
16.Define a name by hard code the cell address
17.Select named range
18.Go to a name
19.Generate Range object from named range
20.Generate named range from Range object
21.Check Name existance
22.Is Name In Workbook
23.Names Overlapping Selection
24.Selection Entirely In Names
25.Insert hidden name
26.Fill named range with values
27.Range objects cannot be used with an worksheet object as superobject
28.Enables access to named ranges in arbitrary workbooks
29.Using the Names Object to List All Named Ranges
30.Retrieving Values Stored as a Workbook Name Using the Evaluate Method