The FindWindow() function finds the first top-level window in the window list that satisfies the specified arguments. : Windows Resources « Windows API « VBA / Excel / Access / Word

The FindWindow() function finds the first top-level window in the window list that satisfies the specified arguments.

Public Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32.dll" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long
Public Declare Function GetClassName Lib "user32.dll" Alias "GetClassNameA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpClassName As String, nMaxCount As Long) As Long
Private Sub FindHandle()
    Dim hForm As Long, rv As Long
    Dim s As String
    hForm = FindWindow(vbNullString, "UserForm1")
    Debug.Print hForm
    s = String(256, "x")   'Creates a string with 256 x's
    rv = GetClassName(hForm, s, 255)
    Debug.Print Left(s, rv)
End Sub


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