Android Open Source - gti350-lab2-android-demo Point2 D

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Java Source Code

package log350.example.example6;
//  www .ja v a  2  s. c  om

public class Point2D {

  public float [] p = new float[2];

  public Point2D() {
    p[0] = p[1] = 0;

  public Point2D( float x, float y ) {
    p[0] = x;
    p[1] = y;

  public Point2D( Point2D P ) {
    p[0] = P.p[0];
    p[1] = P.p[1];

  public Point2D( Vector2D V ) {
    p[0] = V.v[0];
    p[1] = V.v[1];

  public void copy( float x, float y ) {
    p[0] = x;
    p[1] = y;

  public void copy( Point2D P ) {
    p[0] = P.p[0];
    p[1] = P.p[1];

  public boolean equals( Point2D other ) {
    return x() == other.x() && y() == other.y();

  public float x() { return p[0]; }
  public float y() { return p[1]; }

  // used to pass coordinates directly to OpenGL routines
  public float [] get() { return p; }

  // return the difference between two given points
  static public Vector2D diff( Point2D a, Point2D b ) {
    return new Vector2D( a.x()-b.x(), a.y()-b.y() );

  // return the sum of the given point and vector
  static public Point2D sum( Point2D a, Vector2D b ) {
    return new Point2D( a.x()+b.x(), a.y()+b.y() );

  // return the difference between the given point and vector
  static public Point2D diff( Point2D a, Vector2D b ) {
    return new Point2D( a.x()-b.x(), a.y()-b.y() );

  public float distance( Point2D otherPoint ) {
    return diff( this, otherPoint ).length();

  static Point2D average( Point2D a, Point2D b ) {
    // return new Point2D( Vector2D.mult( Vector2D.sum( new Vector2D(a), new Vector2D(b) ), 0.5f ) );
    return new Point2D( (a.x()+b.x())*0.5f, (a.y()+b.y())*0.5f );


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