List of Free code Windows Presentation Foundation VisualStudio


  • Auto Power Switch
    Powers Off System, and Applications. WPF 4.0 project built in Visual Studio 2010.
  • DSLPed
    DSLPed is a framework to design & develop WPF-based projectional editors of custom Domain Specific Lanugages as add-ins into the Visual Studio 2010 designer.
  • Easy BAML
    Implementation of BAML WPF localization approach in a user(WPF developer)-friendly and easy way. Visual Studio Addin allows developer in a few mouse clicks prepare your application to localization and then finally get localized application.
  • Flash Nut
    Flash Nut is a flash card program. You can build and review decks of flash cards. The project is a vs2008 wpf application.
  • PropertyGrid for WPF
    Property grid is a framework to develop a property grid for a WPF application. Easy to understand, easy to extend with new editors, new attributes on properties. Some basic editors are provided but it is not the main goal of the project. Developped in C# with Visual Studio 2008
  • Simple Backlog for Visual Studio
    An enhanced task list for VS 2010, designed to make it easier to manage a backlog of features. Written in C# and WPF. Released under the Apache 2.0 licence.
  • Visual Studio 2010 Editor Samples
    Several samples showing how to extend the new WPF-based editor in Visual Studio 2010.
  • Weeko - Plug in Tool Windows to Visual Studio 2010
    An experiment project which uses MEF to easily plug in tool windows into VS2010. The tool windows are developed as ordinary WPF UserControls. Install the addin and drop your user control assembly into the extensions directory of Visual Studio and it will show up inside the IDE.
  • WPF FlowDocument Examples for VS2008 and VS2010
    WPF Text Samples (especially FlowDocument) on the various possible effects: sub- and super-script, ruby (a.k.a. furigana), and various others...
  • WPF ShaderEffect Generator
    The WPF ShaderEffect Generator is an integration to Visual Studio to automatically generate the code-behind ShaderEffect classes for shader (*.fx) files in your project as well as compile the *.fx file in your project and add the resulting pixel shader as a resource.