MS Office Wrapper for .NET


.NET wrapper assemblies for working with MS Office.MS Office Primary Interop Assemblies is not required.

Source Files

The download file has the following entries.

01 - Common/Adjustments.vb//from ww w  .j  av  a2 s. c  om
01 - Common/AnswerWizard.vb
01 - Common/AnswerWizardFiles.vb
01 - Common/AssemblyInfo.vb
01 - Common/Assistant.vb
01 - Common/Axes.vb
01 - Common/Balloon.vb
01 - Common/BalloonCheckbox.vb
01 - Common/BalloonCheckboxes.vb
01 - Common/BalloonLabel.vb
01 - Common/BalloonLabels.vb
01 - Common/BulletFormat2.vb
01 - Common/COMAddIn.vb
01 - Common/COMAddIns.vb
01 - Common/CalloutFormat.vb
01 - Common/CanvasShapes.vb
01 - Common/CertificateDetail.vb
01 - Common/CertificateVerificationResults.vb
01 - Common/ChartColorFormat.vb
01 - Common/ChartFillFormat.vb
01 - Common/ChartFont.vb
01 - Common/ChartGroups.vb
01 - Common/ChartPoint.vb
01 - Common/ColorFormat.vb
01 - Common/CommandBar.vb
01 - Common/CommandBarButton.vb
01 - Common/CommandBarComboBox.vb
01 - Common/CommandBarControl.vb
01 - Common/CommandBarControls.vb
01 - Common/CommandBarPopup.vb
01 - Common/CommandBars.vb
01 - Common/Common.sln
01 - Common/Common.vbproj
01 - Common/Common.vbproj.vspscc
01 - Common/Common.vssscc
01 - Common/ConnectorFormat.vb
01 - Common/ContentVerificationResults.vb
01 - Common/CustomTaskPane.vb
01 - Common/CustomTaskPaneEvents.vb
01 - Common/CustomXMLNode.vb
01 - Common/CustomXMLNodes.vb
01 - Common/CustomXMLPart.vb
01 - Common/CustomXMLParts.vb
01 - Common/CustomXMLPrefixMapping.vb
01 - Common/CustomXMLPrefixMappings.vb
01 - Common/CustomXMLSchema.vb
01 - Common/CustomXMLSchemaCollection.vb
01 - Common/CustomXMLValidationError.vb
01 - Common/CustomXMLValidationErrors.vb
01 - Common/DISPPARAMS.vb
01 - Common/DiagramNode.vb
01 - Common/DiagramNodeChildren.vb
01 - Common/DiagramNodes.vb
01 - Common/Diagrams/
01 - Common/DocProperties.vb
01 - Common/DocumentInspector.vb
01 - Common/DocumentInspectors.vb
01 - Common/DocumentLibraryVersion.vb
01 - Common/DocumentLibraryVersions.vb
01 - Common/DocumentProperties.vb
01 - Common/DocumentProperty.vb
01 - Common/EXCEPINFO.vb
01 - Common/EncryptionCipherMode.vb
01 - Common/EncryptionProvider.vb
01 - Common/EncryptionProviderDetail.vb
01 - Common/FileDialog.vb
01 - Common/FileDialogFilter.vb
01 - Common/FileDialogFilters.vb
01 - Common/FileDialogSelectedItems.vb
01 - Common/FileSearch.vb
01 - Common/FileTypes.vb
01 - Common/FillFormat.vb
01 - Common/Font.vb
01 - Common/Font2.vb
01 - Common/FoundFiles.vb
01 - Common/FreeformBuilder.vb
01 - Common/GUID.vb
01 - Common/GlowFormat.vb
01 - Common/GradientStop.vb
01 - Common/GradientStops.vb
01 - Common/GridLines.vb
01 - Common/GroupShapes.vb
01 - Common/HTMLProject.vb
01 - Common/HTMLProjectItem.vb
01 - Common/HTMLProjectItems.vb
01 - Common/IAccessible.vb
01 - Common/IAssistance.vb
01 - Common/IBlogExtensibility.vb
01 - Common/IBlogPictureExtensibility.vb
01 - Common/ICTPFactory.vb
01 - Common/ICommandBarButtonEvents.vb
01 - Common/ICommandBarComboBoxEvents.vb
01 - Common/ICommandBarsEvents.vb
01 - Common/ICustomTaskPaneConsumer.vb
01 - Common/ICustomXMLPartEvents.vb
01 - Common/ICustomXMLPartsEvents.vb
01 - Common/IDispatch.vb
01 - Common/IDocumentInspector.vb
01 - Common/IEnumVARIANT.vb
01 - Common/IFind.vb
01 - Common/IFont.vb
01 - Common/IFontDisp.vb
01 - Common/IFontEventsDisp.vb
01 - Common/IFoundFiles.vb
01 - Common/ILicAgent.vb
01 - Common/ILicValidator.vb
01 - Common/ILicWizExternal.vb
01 - Common/IMsoAxis.vb
01 - Common/IMsoAxisTitle.vb
01 - Common/IMsoBorder.vb
01 - Common/IMsoCharacters.vb
01 - Common/IMsoChart.vb
01 - Common/IMsoChartArea.vb
01 - Common/IMsoChartData.vb
01 - Common/IMsoChartFormat.vb
01 - Common/IMsoChartGroup.vb
01 - Common/IMsoChartTitle.vb
01 - Common/IMsoCorners.vb
01 - Common/IMsoDataLabel.vb
01 - Common/IMsoDataLabels.vb
01 - Common/IMsoDataTable.vb
01 - Common/IMsoDiagram.vb
01 - Common/IMsoDispCagNotifySink.vb
01 - Common/IMsoDisplayUnitLabel.vb
01 - Common/IMsoDownBars.vb
01 - Common/IMsoDropLines.vb
01 - Common/IMsoEServicesDialog.vb
01 - Common/IMsoEnvelopeVB.vb
01 - Common/IMsoErrorBars.vb
01 - Common/IMsoFloor.vb
01 - Common/IMsoHiLoLines.vb
01 - Common/IMsoHyperlinks.vb
01 - Common/IMsoInterior.vb
01 - Common/IMsoLeaderLines.vb
01 - Common/IMsoLegend.vb
01 - Common/IMsoLegendKey.vb
01 - Common/IMsoPlotArea.vb
01 - Common/IMsoSeries.vb
01 - Common/IMsoSeriesLines.vb
01 - Common/IMsoTickLabels.vb
01 - Common/IMsoTrendline.vb
01 - Common/IMsoUpBars.vb
01 - Common/IMsoWalls.vb
01 - Common/IPicture.vb
01 - Common/IPictureDisp.vb
01 - Common/IRibbonControl.vb
01 - Common/IRibbonExtensibility.vb
01 - Common/IRibbonUI.vb
01 - Common/IUnknown.vb
01 - Common/LanguageSettings.vb
01 - Common/LegendEntries.vb
01 - Common/LegendEntry.vb
01 - Common/LineFormat.vb
01 - Common/LoadPictureConstants.vb
01 - Common/MailFormat.vb
01 - Common/MetaProperties.vb
01 - Common/MetaProperty.vb
01 - Common/MsoAlertButtonType.vb
01 - Common/MsoAlertCancelType.vb
01 - Common/MsoAlertDefaultType.vb
01 - Common/MsoAlertIconType.vb
01 - Common/MsoAlignCmd.vb
01 - Common/MsoAnimationType.vb
01 - Common/MsoAppLanguageID.vb
01 - Common/MsoArrowheadLength.vb
01 - Common/MsoArrowheadStyle.vb
01 - Common/MsoArrowheadWidth.vb
01 - Common/MsoAutoShapeType.vb
01 - Common/MsoAutoSize.vb
01 - Common/MsoAutomationSecurity.vb
01 - Common/MsoBackgroundStyleIndex.vb
01 - Common/MsoBalloonButtonType.vb
01 - Common/MsoBalloonErrorType.vb
01 - Common/MsoBalloonType.vb
01 - Common/MsoBarPosition.vb
01 - Common/MsoBarProtection.vb
01 - Common/MsoBarRow.vb
01 - Common/MsoBarType.vb
01 - Common/MsoBaselineAlignment.vb
01 - Common/MsoBevelType.vb
01 - Common/MsoBlackWhiteMode.vb
01 - Common/MsoBlogCategorySupport.vb
01 - Common/MsoBlogImageType.vb
01 - Common/MsoBulletType.vb
01 - Common/MsoButtonSetType.vb
01 - Common/MsoButtonState.vb
01 - Common/MsoButtonStyle.vb
01 - Common/MsoButtonStyleHidden.vb
01 - Common/MsoCTPDockPosition.vb
01 - Common/MsoCTPDockPositionRestrict.vb
01 - Common/MsoCalloutAngleType.vb
01 - Common/MsoCalloutDropType.vb
01 - Common/MsoCalloutType.vb
01 - Common/MsoCharacterSet.vb
01 - Common/MsoChartElementType.vb
01 - Common/MsoClipboardFormat.vb
01 - Common/MsoColorType.vb
01 - Common/MsoComboStyle.vb
01 - Common/MsoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkType.vb
01 - Common/MsoCondition.vb
01 - Common/MsoConnector.vb
01 - Common/MsoConnectorType.vb
01 - Common/MsoControlOLEUsage.vb
01 - Common/MsoControlType.vb
01 - Common/MsoCustomXMLNodeType.vb
01 - Common/MsoCustomXMLValidationErrorType.vb
01 - Common/MsoDateTimeFormat.vb
01 - Common/MsoDebugOptions.vb
01 - Common/MsoDebugOptions_UT.vb
01 - Common/MsoDebugOptions_UTManager.vb
01 - Common/MsoDebugOptions_UTRunResult.vb
01 - Common/MsoDebugOptions_UTs.vb
01 - Common/MsoDiagramNodeType.vb
01 - Common/MsoDiagramType.vb
01 - Common/MsoDistributeCmd.vb
01 - Common/MsoDocInspectorStatus.vb
01 - Common/MsoDocProperties.vb
01 - Common/MsoEditingType.vb
01 - Common/MsoEncoding.vb
01 - Common/MsoEnvelope.vb
01 - Common/MsoExtraInfoMethod.vb
01 - Common/MsoExtrusionColorType.vb
01 - Common/MsoFarEastLineBreakLanguageID.vb
01 - Common/MsoFeatureInstall.vb
01 - Common/MsoFileDialogType.vb
01 - Common/MsoFileDialogView.vb
01 - Common/MsoFileFindListBy.vb
01 - Common/MsoFileFindOptions.vb
01 - Common/MsoFileFindSortBy.vb
01 - Common/MsoFileFindView.vb
01 - Common/MsoFileNewAction.vb
01 - Common/MsoFileNewSection.vb
01 - Common/MsoFileType.vb
01 - Common/MsoFillType.vb
01 - Common/MsoFilterComparison.vb
01 - Common/MsoFilterConjunction.vb
01 - Common/MsoFlipCmd.vb
01 - Common/MsoFontLanguageIndex.vb
01 - Common/MsoGradientColorType.vb
01 - Common/MsoGradientStyle.vb
01 - Common/MsoHTMLProjectOpen.vb
01 - Common/MsoHTMLProjectState.vb
01 - Common/MsoHorizontalAnchor.vb
01 - Common/MsoHyperlinkType.vb
01 - Common/MsoIconType.vb
01 - Common/MsoLanguageID.vb
01 - Common/MsoLanguageIDHidden.vb
01 - Common/MsoLastModified.vb
01 - Common/MsoLightRigType.vb
01 - Common/MsoLineDashStyle.vb
01 - Common/MsoLineStyle.vb
01 - Common/MsoMenuAnimation.vb
01 - Common/MsoMetaPropertyType.vb
01 - Common/MsoMixedType.vb
01 - Common/MsoModeType.vb
01 - Common/MsoMoveRow.vb
01 - Common/MsoNumberedBulletStyle.vb
01 - Common/MsoOLEMenuGroup.vb
01 - Common/MsoOrgChartLayoutType.vb
01 - Common/MsoOrgChartOrientation.vb
01 - Common/MsoOrientation.vb
01 - Common/MsoParagraphAlignment.vb
01 - Common/MsoPathFormat.vb
01 - Common/MsoPatternType.vb
01 - Common/MsoPermission.vb
01 - Common/MsoPictureColorType.vb
01 - Common/MsoPresetCamera.vb
01 - Common/MsoPresetExtrusionDirection.vb
01 - Common/MsoPresetGradientType.vb
01 - Common/MsoPresetLightingDirection.vb
01 - Common/MsoPresetLightingSoftness.vb
01 - Common/MsoPresetMaterial.vb
01 - Common/MsoPresetTextEffect.vb
01 - Common/MsoPresetTextEffectShape.vb
01 - Common/MsoPresetTexture.vb
01 - Common/MsoPresetThreeDFormat.vb
01 - Common/MsoReflectionType.vb
01 - Common/MsoRelativeNodePosition.vb
01 - Common/MsoScaleFrom.vb
01 - Common/MsoScreenSize.vb
01 - Common/MsoScriptLanguage.vb
01 - Common/MsoScriptLocation.vb
01 - Common/MsoSearchIn.vb
01 - Common/MsoSegmentType.vb
01 - Common/MsoShadowStyle.vb
01 - Common/MsoShadowType.vb
01 - Common/MsoShapeStyleIndex.vb
01 - Common/MsoShapeType.vb
01 - Common/MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskPriority.vb
01 - Common/MsoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatus.vb
01 - Common/MsoSignatureSubset.vb
01 - Common/MsoSoftEdgeType.vb
01 - Common/MsoSortBy.vb
01 - Common/MsoSortOrder.vb
01 - Common/MsoSyncAvailableType.vb
01 - Common/MsoSyncCompareType.vb
01 - Common/MsoSyncConflictResolutionType.vb
01 - Common/MsoSyncErrorType.vb
01 - Common/MsoSyncEventType.vb
01 - Common/MsoSyncStatusType.vb
01 - Common/MsoSyncVersionType.vb
01 - Common/MsoTabStopType.vb
01 - Common/MsoTargetBrowser.vb
01 - Common/MsoTextCaps.vb
01 - Common/MsoTextChangeCase.vb
01 - Common/MsoTextCharWrap.vb
01 - Common/MsoTextDirection.vb
01 - Common/MsoTextEffectAlignment.vb
01 - Common/MsoTextFontAlign.vb
01 - Common/MsoTextOrientation.vb
01 - Common/MsoTextStrike.vb
01 - Common/MsoTextTabAlign.vb
01 - Common/MsoTextUnderlineType.vb
01 - Common/MsoTextureAlignment.vb
01 - Common/MsoTextureType.vb
01 - Common/MsoThemeColorIndex.vb
01 - Common/MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex.vb
01 - Common/MsoTriState.vb
01 - Common/MsoVerticalAnchor.vb
01 - Common/MsoWarpFormat.vb
01 - Common/MsoWizardActType.vb
01 - Common/MsoWizardMsgType.vb
01 - Common/MsoZOrderCmd.vb
01 - Common/NewFile.vb
01 - Common/ODSOColumn.vb
01 - Common/ODSOColumns.vb
01 - Common/ODSOFilter.vb
01 - Common/ODSOFilters.vb
01 - Common/OLE_TRISTATE.vb
01 - Common/OfficeDataSourceObject.vb
01 - Common/OfficeTheme.vb
01 - Common/ParagraphFormat2.vb
01 - Common/Permission.vb
01 - Common/Picture.vb
01 - Common/PictureFormat.vb
01 - Common/Points.vb
01 - Common/PolicyItem.vb
01 - Common/PoorEnumerator.vb
01 - Common/Properties/withoutpassword.snk
01 - Common/PropertyTest.vb
01 - Common/PropertyTests.vb
01 - Common/ReflectionFormat.vb
01 - Common/RibbonControlSize.vb
01 - Common/Ruler2.vb
01 - Common/RulerLevel2.vb
01 - Common/RulerLevels2.vb
01 - Common/ScopeFolder.vb
01 - Common/ScopeFolders.vb
01 - Common/Script.vb
01 - Common/Scripts.vb
01 - Common/SearchFolders.vb
01 - Common/SearchScope.vb
01 - Common/SearchScopes.vb
01 - Common/SeriesCollection.vb
01 - Common/ServerPolicy.vb
01 - Common/ShadowFormat.vb
01 - Common/Shape.vb
01 - Common/ShapeNode.vb
01 - Common/ShapeNodes.vb
01 - Common/ShapeRange.vb
01 - Common/Shapes.vb
01 - Common/SharedWorkspace.vb
01 - Common/SharedWorkspaceFile.vb
01 - Common/SharedWorkspaceFiles.vb
01 - Common/SharedWorkspaceFolder.vb
01 - Common/SharedWorkspaceFolders.vb
01 - Common/SharedWorkspaceLink.vb
01 - Common/SharedWorkspaceLinks.vb
01 - Common/SharedWorkspaceMember.vb
01 - Common/SharedWorkspaceMembers.vb
01 - Common/SharedWorkspaceTask.vb
01 - Common/SharedWorkspaceTasks.vb
01 - Common/Signature.vb
01 - Common/SignatureDetail.vb
01 - Common/SignatureInfo.vb
01 - Common/SignatureLineImage.vb
01 - Common/SignatureProvider.vb
01 - Common/SignatureProviderDetail.vb
01 - Common/SignatureSet.vb
01 - Common/SignatureSetup.vb
01 - Common/SignatureType.vb
01 - Common/SmartDocument.vb
01 - Common/SoftEdgeFormat.vb
01 - Common/StdFont.vb
01 - Common/StdPicture.vb
01 - Common/Sync.vb
01 - Common/TabStop2.vb
01 - Common/TabStops2.vb
01 - Common/TextColumn2.vb
01 - Common/TextEffectFormat.vb
01 - Common/TextFrame.vb
01 - Common/TextFrame2.vb
01 - Common/TextRange2.vb
01 - Common/ThemeColor.vb
01 - Common/ThemeColorScheme.vb
01 - Common/ThemeEffectScheme.vb
01 - Common/ThemeFont.vb
01 - Common/ThemeFontScheme.vb
01 - Common/ThemeFonts.vb
01 - Common/ThreeDFormat.vb
01 - Common/Trendlines.vb
01 - Common/UserPermission.vb
01 - Common/WebComponent.vb
01 - Common/WebComponentFormat.vb
01 - Common/WebComponentProperties.vb
01 - Common/WebComponentWindowExternal.vb
01 - Common/WebPageFont.vb
01 - Common/WebPageFonts.vb
01 - Common/WorkflowTask.vb
01 - Common/WorkflowTasks.vb
01 - Common/WorkflowTemplate.vb
01 - Common/WorkflowTemplates.vb
01 - Common/Wrappers/ApplicationWrapperBase.vb
01 - Common/Wrappers/ChildObjectWrapperBase.vb
01 - Common/Wrappers/CollectionWrapperBase.vb
01 - Common/Wrappers/IPoorCollection.vb
01 - Common/Wrappers/IWrapper.vb
01 - Common/Wrappers/RootObjectWrapperBase.vb
01 - Common/Wrappers/WrapperBase.vb
01 - Common/Wrappers/WrapperHelper.vb
01 - Common/Wrappers/WrapperSettings.vb
01 - Common/XlAxisCrosses.vb
01 - Common/XlAxisGroup.vb
01 - Common/XlAxisType.vb
01 - Common/XlBarShape.vb
01 - Common/XlBorderWeight.vb
01 - Common/XlCategoryType.vb
01 - Common/XlChartElementPosition.vb
01 - Common/XlChartItem.vb
01 - Common/XlChartOrientation.vb
01 - Common/XlChartPictureType.vb
01 - Common/XlChartSplitType.vb
01 - Common/XlChartType.vb
01 - Common/XlColorIndex.vb
01 - Common/XlConstants.vb
01 - Common/XlDataLabelPosition.vb
01 - Common/XlDataLabelsType.vb
01 - Common/XlDisplayBlanksAs.vb
01 - Common/XlDisplayUnit.vb
01 - Common/XlEndStyleCap.vb
01 - Common/XlErrorBarDirection.vb
01 - Common/XlErrorBarInclude.vb
01 - Common/XlErrorBarType.vb
01 - Common/XlHAlign.vb
01 - Common/XlLegendPosition.vb
01 - Common/XlMarkerStyle.vb
01 - Common/XlPivotFieldOrientation.vb
01 - Common/XlReadingOrder.vb
01 - Common/XlRowCol.vb
01 - Common/XlScaleType.vb
01 - Common/XlSizeRepresents.vb
01 - Common/XlTickLabelOrientation.vb
01 - Common/XlTickLabelPosition.vb
01 - Common/XlTickMark.vb
01 - Common/XlTimeUnit.vb
01 - Common/XlTrendlineType.vb
01 - Common/XlUnderlineStyle.vb
01 - Common/XlVAlign.vb
01 - Common/_CommandBarActiveX.vb
01 - Common/_CommandBarButton.vb
01 - Common/_CommandBarComboBox.vb
01 - Common/_CommandBars.vb
01 - Common/_CustomTaskPane.vb
01 - Common/_CustomXMLPart.vb
01 - Common/_CustomXMLParts.vb
01 - Common/_CustomXMLSchemaCollection.vb
01 - Common/_IMsoDispObj.vb
01 - Common/_IMsoOleAccDispObj.vb
02 - Excel/AboveAverage.vb
02 - Excel/Action.vb
02 - Excel/Actions.vb
02 - Excel/AddIn.vb
02 - Excel/AddIns.vb
02 - Excel/Adjustments.vb
02 - Excel/AllowEditRange.vb
02 - Excel/AllowEditRanges.vb
02 - Excel/Application.vb
02 - Excel/Arc.vb
02 - Excel/Arcs.vb
02 - Excel/Areas.vb
02 - Excel/AssemblyInfo.vb
02 - Excel/AutoCorrect.vb
02 - Excel/AutoFilter.vb
02 - Excel/AutoRecover.vb
02 - Excel/Axes.vb
02 - Excel/Axis.vb
02 - Excel/AxisTitle.vb
02 - Excel/Border.vb
02 - Excel/Borders.vb
02 - Excel/Button.vb
02 - Excel/Buttons.vb
02 - Excel/CalculatedFields.vb
02 - Excel/CalculatedItems.vb
02 - Excel/CalculatedMember.vb
02 - Excel/CalculatedMembers.vb
02 - Excel/CalloutFormat.vb
02 - Excel/CellFormat.vb
02 - Excel/Characters.vb
02 - Excel/Chart.vb
02 - Excel/ChartArea.vb
02 - Excel/ChartColorFormat.vb
02 - Excel/ChartFillFormat.vb
02 - Excel/ChartFormat.vb
02 - Excel/ChartGroup.vb
02 - Excel/ChartGroups.vb
02 - Excel/ChartObject.vb
02 - Excel/ChartObjects.vb
02 - Excel/ChartTitle.vb
02 - Excel/ChartView.vb
02 - Excel/Charts.vb
02 - Excel/CheckBox.vb
02 - Excel/CheckBoxes.vb
02 - Excel/ColorFormat.vb
02 - Excel/ColorScale.vb
02 - Excel/ColorScaleCriteria.vb
02 - Excel/ColorScaleCriterion.vb
02 - Excel/ColorStop.vb
02 - Excel/ColorStops.vb
02 - Excel/Comment.vb
02 - Excel/Comments.vb
02 - Excel/ConditionValue.vb
02 - Excel/Connections.vb
02 - Excel/ConnectorFormat.vb
02 - Excel/Constants.vb
02 - Excel/ControlFormat.vb
02 - Excel/Corners.vb
02 - Excel/CubeField.vb
02 - Excel/CubeFields.vb
02 - Excel/CustomProperties.vb
02 - Excel/CustomProperty.vb
02 - Excel/CustomView.vb
02 - Excel/CustomViews.vb
02 - Excel/DataLabel.vb
02 - Excel/DataLabels.vb
02 - Excel/DataTable.vb
02 - Excel/Databar.vb
02 - Excel/DefaultWebOptions.vb
02 - Excel/Diagram.vb
02 - Excel/DiagramNode.vb
02 - Excel/DiagramNodeChildren.vb
02 - Excel/DiagramNodes.vb
02 - Excel/Dialog.vb
02 - Excel/DialogFrame.vb
02 - Excel/DialogSheet.vb
02 - Excel/DialogSheetView.vb
02 - Excel/DialogSheets.vb
02 - Excel/Dialogs.vb
02 - Excel/DisplayUnitLabel.vb
02 - Excel/DownBars.vb
02 - Excel/Drawing.vb
02 - Excel/DrawingObjects.vb
02 - Excel/Drawings.vb
02 - Excel/DropDown.vb
02 - Excel/DropDowns.vb
02 - Excel/DropLines.vb
02 - Excel/EditBox.vb
02 - Excel/EditBoxes.vb
02 - Excel/Error.vb
02 - Excel/ErrorBars.vb
02 - Excel/ErrorCheckingOptions.vb
02 - Excel/Errors.vb
02 - Excel/Excel.sln
02 - Excel/Excel.vbproj
02 - Excel/Excel.vbproj.vspscc
02 - Excel/Excel.vssscc
02 - Excel/FillFormat.vb
02 - Excel/Filter.vb
02 - Excel/Filters.vb
02 - Excel/Floor.vb
02 - Excel/Font.vb
02 - Excel/FormatColor.vb
02 - Excel/FormatCondition.vb
02 - Excel/FormatConditions.vb
02 - Excel/FreeformBuilder.vb
02 - Excel/Global.vb
02 - Excel/Graphic.vb
02 - Excel/Gridlines.vb
02 - Excel/GroupBox.vb
02 - Excel/GroupBoxes.vb
02 - Excel/GroupObject.vb
02 - Excel/GroupObjects.vb
02 - Excel/GroupShapes.vb
02 - Excel/HPageBreak.vb
02 - Excel/HPageBreaks.vb
02 - Excel/HeaderFooter.vb
02 - Excel/HiLoLines.vb
02 - Excel/Hyperlink.vb
02 - Excel/Hyperlinks.vb
02 - Excel/IAboveAverage.vb
02 - Excel/IAction.vb
02 - Excel/IActions.vb
02 - Excel/IAddIn.vb
02 - Excel/IAddIns.vb
02 - Excel/IAllowEditRange.vb
02 - Excel/IAllowEditRanges.vb
02 - Excel/IAppEvents.vb
02 - Excel/IArc.vb
02 - Excel/IArcs.vb
02 - Excel/IAreas.vb
02 - Excel/IAutoCorrect.vb
02 - Excel/IAutoFilter.vb
02 - Excel/IAutoRecover.vb
02 - Excel/IAxes.vb
02 - Excel/IAxis.vb
02 - Excel/IAxisTitle.vb
02 - Excel/IBorder.vb
02 - Excel/IBorders.vb
02 - Excel/IButton.vb
02 - Excel/IButtons.vb
02 - Excel/ICalculatedFields.vb
02 - Excel/ICalculatedItems.vb
02 - Excel/ICalculatedMember.vb
02 - Excel/ICalculatedMembers.vb
02 - Excel/ICanvasShapes.vb
02 - Excel/ICellFormat.vb
02 - Excel/ICharacters.vb
02 - Excel/IChartArea.vb
02 - Excel/IChartColorFormat.vb
02 - Excel/IChartEvents.vb
02 - Excel/IChartFillFormat.vb
02 - Excel/IChartFormat.vb
02 - Excel/IChartGroup.vb
02 - Excel/IChartGroups.vb
02 - Excel/IChartObject.vb
02 - Excel/IChartObjects.vb
02 - Excel/IChartTitle.vb
02 - Excel/IChartView.vb
02 - Excel/ICharts.vb
02 - Excel/ICheckBox.vb
02 - Excel/ICheckBoxes.vb
02 - Excel/IColorScale.vb
02 - Excel/IColorScaleCriteria.vb
02 - Excel/IColorScaleCriterion.vb
02 - Excel/IColorStop.vb
02 - Excel/IColorStops.vb
02 - Excel/IComment.vb
02 - Excel/IComments.vb
02 - Excel/IConditionValue.vb
02 - Excel/IConnections.vb
02 - Excel/IConnectorFormat.vb
02 - Excel/IControlFormat.vb
02 - Excel/ICorners.vb
02 - Excel/ICustomProperties.vb
02 - Excel/ICustomProperty.vb
02 - Excel/ICustomView.vb
02 - Excel/ICustomViews.vb
02 - Excel/IDataLabel.vb
02 - Excel/IDataLabels.vb
02 - Excel/IDataTable.vb
02 - Excel/IDatabar.vb
02 - Excel/IDiagram.vb
02 - Excel/IDialog.vb
02 - Excel/IDialogFrame.vb
02 - Excel/IDialogSheet.vb
02 - Excel/IDialogSheetView.vb
02 - Excel/IDialogSheets.vb
02 - Excel/IDialogs.vb
02 - Excel/IDisplayUnitLabel.vb
02 - Excel/IDocEvents.vb
02 - Excel/IDownBars.vb
02 - Excel/IDrawing.vb
02 - Excel/IDrawingObjects.vb
02 - Excel/IDrawings.vb
02 - Excel/IDropDown.vb
02 - Excel/IDropDowns.vb
02 - Excel/IDropLines.vb
02 - Excel/IDummy.vb
02 - Excel/IEditBox.vb
02 - Excel/IEditBoxes.vb
02 - Excel/IError.vb
02 - Excel/IErrorBars.vb
02 - Excel/IErrorCheckingOptions.vb
02 - Excel/IErrors.vb
02 - Excel/IFilter.vb
02 - Excel/IFilters.vb
02 - Excel/IFloor.vb
02 - Excel/IFont.vb
02 - Excel/IFormatColor.vb
02 - Excel/IFormatCondition.vb
02 - Excel/IFormatConditions.vb
02 - Excel/IFreeformBuilder.vb
02 - Excel/IGraphic.vb
02 - Excel/IGridlines.vb
02 - Excel/IGroupBox.vb
02 - Excel/IGroupBoxes.vb
02 - Excel/IGroupObject.vb
02 - Excel/IGroupObjects.vb
02 - Excel/IGroupShapes.vb
02 - Excel/IHPageBreak.vb
02 - Excel/IHPageBreaks.vb
02 - Excel/IHeaderFooter.vb
02 - Excel/IHiLoLines.vb
02 - Excel/IHyperlink.vb
02 - Excel/IHyperlinks.vb
02 - Excel/IIcon.vb
02 - Excel/IIconCriteria.vb
02 - Excel/IIconCriterion.vb
02 - Excel/IIconSet.vb
02 - Excel/IIconSetCondition.vb
02 - Excel/IIconSets.vb
02 - Excel/IInterior.vb
02 - Excel/ILabel.vb
02 - Excel/ILabels.vb
02 - Excel/ILeaderLines.vb
02 - Excel/ILegend.vb
02 - Excel/ILegendEntries.vb
02 - Excel/ILegendEntry.vb
02 - Excel/ILegendKey.vb
02 - Excel/ILine.vb
02 - Excel/ILinearGradient.vb
02 - Excel/ILines.vb
02 - Excel/ILinkFormat.vb
02 - Excel/IListBox.vb
02 - Excel/IListBoxes.vb
02 - Excel/IListColumn.vb
02 - Excel/IListColumns.vb
02 - Excel/IListDataFormat.vb
02 - Excel/IListObject.vb
02 - Excel/IListObjects.vb
02 - Excel/IListRow.vb
02 - Excel/IListRows.vb
02 - Excel/IMailer.vb
02 - Excel/IMenu.vb
02 - Excel/IMenuBar.vb
02 - Excel/IMenuBars.vb
02 - Excel/IMenuItem.vb
02 - Excel/IMenuItems.vb
02 - Excel/IMenus.vb
02 - Excel/IModule.vb
02 - Excel/IModuleView.vb
02 - Excel/IModules.vb
02 - Excel/IMultiThreadedCalculation.vb
02 - Excel/IName.vb
02 - Excel/INames.vb
02 - Excel/IODBCConnection.vb
02 - Excel/IODBCError.vb
02 - Excel/IODBCErrors.vb
02 - Excel/IOLEDBConnection.vb
02 - Excel/IOLEDBError.vb
02 - Excel/IOLEDBErrors.vb
02 - Excel/IOLEFormat.vb
02 - Excel/IOLEObjectEvents.vb
02 - Excel/IOLEObjects.vb
02 - Excel/IOptionButton.vb
02 - Excel/IOptionButtons.vb
02 - Excel/IOutline.vb
02 - Excel/IOval.vb
02 - Excel/IOvals.vb
02 - Excel/IPage.vb
02 - Excel/IPageSetup.vb
02 - Excel/IPages.vb
02 - Excel/IPane.vb
02 - Excel/IPanes.vb
02 - Excel/IParameter.vb
02 - Excel/IParameters.vb
02 - Excel/IPhonetic.vb
02 - Excel/IPhonetics.vb
02 - Excel/IPicture.vb
02 - Excel/IPictures.vb
02 - Excel/IPivotAxis.vb
02 - Excel/IPivotCache.vb
02 - Excel/IPivotCaches.vb
02 - Excel/IPivotCell.vb
02 - Excel/IPivotField.vb
02 - Excel/IPivotFields.vb
02 - Excel/IPivotFilter.vb
02 - Excel/IPivotFilters.vb
02 - Excel/IPivotFormula.vb
02 - Excel/IPivotFormulas.vb
02 - Excel/IPivotItem.vb
02 - Excel/IPivotItemList.vb
02 - Excel/IPivotItems.vb
02 - Excel/IPivotLayout.vb
02 - Excel/IPivotLine.vb
02 - Excel/IPivotLineCells.vb
02 - Excel/IPivotLines.vb
02 - Excel/IPivotTable.vb
02 - Excel/IPivotTables.vb
02 - Excel/IPlotArea.vb
02 - Excel/IPoint.vb
02 - Excel/IPoints.vb
02 - Excel/IProtection.vb
02 - Excel/IPublishObjects.vb
02 - Excel/IQueryTables.vb
02 - Excel/IRTD.vb
02 - Excel/IRTDUpdateEvent.vb
02 - Excel/IRange.vb
02 - Excel/IRanges.vb
02 - Excel/IRecentFile.vb
02 - Excel/IRecentFiles.vb
02 - Excel/IRectangle.vb
02 - Excel/IRectangles.vb
02 - Excel/IRectangularGradient.vb
02 - Excel/IRefreshEvents.vb
02 - Excel/IResearch.vb
02 - Excel/IRoutingSlip.vb
02 - Excel/IRtdServer.vb
02 - Excel/IScenario.vb
02 - Excel/IScenarios.vb
02 - Excel/IScrollBar.vb
02 - Excel/IScrollBars.vb
02 - Excel/ISeries.vb
02 - Excel/ISeriesCollection.vb
02 - Excel/ISeriesLines.vb
02 - Excel/IServerViewableItems.vb
02 - Excel/IShape.vb
02 - Excel/IShapeRange.vb
02 - Excel/IShapes.vb
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02 - Excel/ISmartTag.vb
02 - Excel/ISmartTagAction.vb
02 - Excel/ISmartTagActions.vb
02 - Excel/ISmartTagOptions.vb
02 - Excel/ISmartTagRecognizer.vb
02 - Excel/ISmartTagRecognizers.vb
02 - Excel/ISmartTags.vb
02 - Excel/ISort.vb
02 - Excel/ISortField.vb
02 - Excel/ISortFields.vb
02 - Excel/ISoundNote.vb
02 - Excel/ISpeech.vb
02 - Excel/ISpellingOptions.vb
02 - Excel/ISpinner.vb
02 - Excel/ISpinners.vb
02 - Excel/IStyle.vb
02 - Excel/IStyles.vb
02 - Excel/ITab.vb
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02 - Excel/ITableStyleElement.vb
02 - Excel/ITableStyleElements.vb
02 - Excel/ITableStyles.vb
02 - Excel/ITextBox.vb
02 - Excel/ITextBoxes.vb
02 - Excel/ITextFrame.vb
02 - Excel/ITickLabels.vb
02 - Excel/IToolbar.vb
02 - Excel/IToolbarButton.vb
02 - Excel/IToolbarButtons.vb
02 - Excel/IToolbars.vb
02 - Excel/ITop10.vb
02 - Excel/ITrendline.vb
02 - Excel/ITrendlines.vb
02 - Excel/IUniqueValues.vb
02 - Excel/IUpBars.vb
02 - Excel/IUsedObjects.vb
02 - Excel/IUserAccess.vb
02 - Excel/IUserAccessList.vb
02 - Excel/IVPageBreak.vb
02 - Excel/IVPageBreaks.vb
02 - Excel/IValidation.vb
02 - Excel/IWalls.vb
02 - Excel/IWatch.vb
02 - Excel/IWatches.vb
02 - Excel/IWindow.vb
02 - Excel/IWindows.vb
02 - Excel/IWorkbookConnection.vb
02 - Excel/IWorkbookEvents.vb
02 - Excel/IWorksheetFunction.vb
02 - Excel/IWorksheetView.vb
02 - Excel/IWorksheets.vb
02 - Excel/IXPath.vb
02 - Excel/IXmlDataBinding.vb
02 - Excel/IXmlMap.vb
02 - Excel/IXmlMaps.vb
02 - Excel/IXmlNamespace.vb
02 - Excel/IXmlNamespaces.vb
02 - Excel/IXmlSchema.vb
02 - Excel/IXmlSchemas.vb
02 - Excel/Icon.vb
02 - Excel/IconCriteria.vb
02 - Excel/IconCriterion.vb
02 - Excel/IconSet.vb
02 - Excel/IconSetCondition.vb
02 - Excel/IconSets.vb
02 - Excel/Interior.vb
02 - Excel/Label.vb
02 - Excel/Labels.vb
02 - Excel/LeaderLines.vb
02 - Excel/Legend.vb
02 - Excel/LegendEntries.vb
02 - Excel/LegendEntry.vb
02 - Excel/LegendKey.vb
02 - Excel/Line.vb
02 - Excel/LineFormat.vb
02 - Excel/LinearGradient.vb
02 - Excel/Lines.vb
02 - Excel/LinkFormat.vb
02 - Excel/ListBox.vb
02 - Excel/ListBoxes.vb
02 - Excel/ListColumn.vb
02 - Excel/ListColumns.vb
02 - Excel/ListDataFormat.vb
02 - Excel/ListObject.vb
02 - Excel/ListObjects.vb
02 - Excel/ListRow.vb
02 - Excel/ListRows.vb
02 - Excel/Mailer.vb
02 - Excel/Menu.vb
02 - Excel/MenuBar.vb
02 - Excel/MenuBars.vb
02 - Excel/MenuItem.vb
02 - Excel/MenuItems.vb
02 - Excel/Menus.vb
02 - Excel/Module.vb
02 - Excel/ModuleView.vb
02 - Excel/Modules.vb
02 - Excel/MultiThreadedCalculation.vb
02 - Excel/Name.vb
02 - Excel/Names.vb
02 - Excel/ODBCConnection.vb
02 - Excel/ODBCError.vb
02 - Excel/ODBCErrors.vb
02 - Excel/OLEDBConnection.vb
02 - Excel/OLEDBError.vb
02 - Excel/OLEDBErrors.vb
02 - Excel/OLEFormat.vb
02 - Excel/OLEObject.vb
02 - Excel/OLEObjects.vb
02 - Excel/OptionButton.vb
02 - Excel/OptionButtons.vb
02 - Excel/Outline.vb
02 - Excel/Oval.vb
02 - Excel/Ovals.vb
02 - Excel/Page.vb
02 - Excel/PageSetup.vb
02 - Excel/Pages.vb
02 - Excel/Pane.vb
02 - Excel/Panes.vb
02 - Excel/Parameter.vb
02 - Excel/Parameters.vb
02 - Excel/PartialClasses/Worbooks.vb
02 - Excel/Phonetic.vb
02 - Excel/Phonetics.vb
02 - Excel/Picture.vb
02 - Excel/PictureFormat.vb
02 - Excel/Pictures.vb
02 - Excel/PivotAxis.vb
02 - Excel/PivotCache.vb
02 - Excel/PivotCaches.vb
02 - Excel/PivotCell.vb
02 - Excel/PivotField.vb
02 - Excel/PivotFields.vb
02 - Excel/PivotFilter.vb
02 - Excel/PivotFilters.vb
02 - Excel/PivotFormula.vb
02 - Excel/PivotFormulas.vb
02 - Excel/PivotItem.vb
02 - Excel/PivotItemList.vb
02 - Excel/PivotItems.vb
02 - Excel/PivotLayout.vb
02 - Excel/PivotLine.vb
02 - Excel/PivotLineCells.vb
02 - Excel/PivotLines.vb
02 - Excel/PivotTable.vb
02 - Excel/PivotTables.vb
02 - Excel/PlotArea.vb
02 - Excel/Point.vb
02 - Excel/Points.vb
02 - Excel/Properties/withoutpassword.snk
02 - Excel/Protection.vb
02 - Excel/PublishObject.vb
02 - Excel/PublishObjects.vb
02 - Excel/QueryTable.vb
02 - Excel/QueryTables.vb
02 - Excel/RTD.vb
02 - Excel/Range.vb
02 - Excel/Ranges.vb
02 - Excel/RecentFile.vb
02 - Excel/RecentFiles.vb
02 - Excel/Rectangle.vb
02 - Excel/Rectangles.vb
02 - Excel/RectangularGradient.vb
02 - Excel/Research.vb
02 - Excel/RoutingSlip.vb
02 - Excel/Scenario.vb
02 - Excel/Scenarios.vb
02 - Excel/ScrollBar.vb
02 - Excel/ScrollBars.vb
02 - Excel/Series.vb
02 - Excel/SeriesCollection.vb
02 - Excel/SeriesLines.vb
02 - Excel/ServerViewableItems.vb
02 - Excel/ShadowFormat.vb
02 - Excel/Shape.vb
02 - Excel/ShapeNode.vb
02 - Excel/ShapeNodes.vb
02 - Excel/ShapeRange.vb
02 - Excel/Shapes.vb
02 - Excel/SheetViews.vb
02 - Excel/Sheets.vb
02 - Excel/SmartTag.vb
02 - Excel/SmartTagAction.vb
02 - Excel/SmartTagActions.vb
02 - Excel/SmartTagOptions.vb
02 - Excel/SmartTagRecognizer.vb
02 - Excel/SmartTagRecognizers.vb
02 - Excel/SmartTags.vb
02 - Excel/Sort.vb
02 - Excel/SortField.vb
02 - Excel/SortFields.vb
02 - Excel/SoundNote.vb
02 - Excel/Speech.vb
02 - Excel/SpellingOptions.vb
02 - Excel/Spinner.vb
02 - Excel/Spinners.vb
02 - Excel/Style.vb
02 - Excel/Styles.vb
02 - Excel/Tab.vb
02 - Excel/TableStyle.vb
02 - Excel/TableStyleElement.vb
02 - Excel/TableStyleElements.vb
02 - Excel/TableStyles.vb
02 - Excel/TextBox.vb
02 - Excel/TextBoxes.vb
02 - Excel/TextEffectFormat.vb
02 - Excel/TextFrame.vb
02 - Excel/TextFrame2.vb
02 - Excel/ThreeDFormat.vb
02 - Excel/TickLabels.vb
02 - Excel/Toolbar.vb
02 - Excel/ToolbarButton.vb
02 - Excel/ToolbarButtons.vb
02 - Excel/Toolbars.vb
02 - Excel/Top10.vb
02 - Excel/TreeviewControl.vb
02 - Excel/Trendline.vb
02 - Excel/Trendlines.vb
02 - Excel/UniqueValues.vb
02 - Excel/UpBars.vb
02 - Excel/UsedObjects.vb
02 - Excel/UserAccess.vb
02 - Excel/UserAccessList.vb
02 - Excel/VPageBreak.vb
02 - Excel/VPageBreaks.vb
02 - Excel/Validation.vb
02 - Excel/Walls.vb
02 - Excel/Watch.vb
02 - Excel/Watches.vb
02 - Excel/WebOptions.vb
02 - Excel/Window.vb
02 - Excel/Windows.vb
02 - Excel/Workbook.vb
02 - Excel/WorkbookConnection.vb
02 - Excel/Workbooks.vb
02 - Excel/Worksheet.vb
02 - Excel/WorksheetFunction.vb
02 - Excel/WorksheetView.vb
02 - Excel/Worksheets.vb
02 - Excel/XPath.vb
02 - Excel/XlAboveBelow.vb
02 - Excel/XlActionType.vb
02 - Excel/XlApplicationInternational.vb
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02 - Excel/XlArabicModes.vb
02 - Excel/XlArrangeStyle.vb
02 - Excel/XlArrowHeadLength.vb
02 - Excel/XlArrowHeadStyle.vb
02 - Excel/XlArrowHeadWidth.vb
02 - Excel/XlAutoFillType.vb
02 - Excel/XlAutoFilterOperator.vb
02 - Excel/XlAxisCrosses.vb
02 - Excel/XlAxisGroup.vb
02 - Excel/XlAxisType.vb
02 - Excel/XlBackground.vb
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02 - Excel/XlBuiltInDialog.vb
02 - Excel/XlCVError.vb
02 - Excel/XlCalcFor.vb
02 - Excel/XlCalculatedMemberType.vb
02 - Excel/XlCalculation.vb
02 - Excel/XlCalculationInterruptKey.vb
02 - Excel/XlCalculationState.vb
02 - Excel/XlCategoryType.vb
02 - Excel/XlCellInsertionMode.vb
02 - Excel/XlCellType.vb
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02 - Excel/XlChartPicturePlacement.vb
02 - Excel/XlChartPictureType.vb
02 - Excel/XlChartSplitType.vb
02 - Excel/XlChartType.vb
02 - Excel/XlCheckInVersionType.vb
02 - Excel/XlClipboardFormat.vb
02 - Excel/XlCmdType.vb
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02 - Excel/XlCommentDisplayMode.vb
02 - Excel/XlConditionValueTypes.vb
02 - Excel/XlConnectionType.vb
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02 - Excel/XlContainsOperator.vb
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02 - Excel/XlCubeFieldType.vb
02 - Excel/XlCutCopyMode.vb
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02 - Excel/XlEditionType.vb
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02 - Excel/XlErrorChecks.vb
02 - Excel/XlFileAccess.vb
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02 - Excel/XlFindLookIn.vb
02 - Excel/XlFixedFormatQuality.vb
02 - Excel/XlFixedFormatType.vb
02 - Excel/XlFormControl.vb
02 - Excel/XlFormatConditionOperator.vb
02 - Excel/XlFormatConditionType.vb
02 - Excel/XlFormatFilterTypes.vb
02 - Excel/XlFormulaLabel.vb
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02 - Excel/XlHAlign.vb
02 - Excel/XlHebrewModes.vb
02 - Excel/XlHighlightChangesTime.vb
02 - Excel/XlHtmlType.vb
02 - Excel/XlIMEMode.vb
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02 - Excel/XlInsertFormatOrigin.vb
02 - Excel/XlInsertShiftDirection.vb
02 - Excel/XlLayoutFormType.vb
02 - Excel/XlLayoutRowType.vb
02 - Excel/XlLegendPosition.vb
02 - Excel/XlLineStyle.vb
02 - Excel/XlLink.vb
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02 - Excel/XlLinkInfoType.vb
02 - Excel/XlLinkStatus.vb
02 - Excel/XlLinkType.vb
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02 - Excel/XlListDataType.vb
02 - Excel/XlListObjectSourceType.vb
02 - Excel/XlLocationInTable.vb
02 - Excel/XlLookAt.vb
02 - Excel/XlLookFor.vb
02 - Excel/XlMSApplication.vb
02 - Excel/XlMailSystem.vb
02 - Excel/XlMarkerStyle.vb
02 - Excel/XlMeasurementUnits.vb
02 - Excel/XlMouseButton.vb
02 - Excel/XlMousePointer.vb
02 - Excel/XlOLEType.vb
02 - Excel/XlOLEVerb.vb
02 - Excel/XlObjectSize.vb
02 - Excel/XlOrder.vb
02 - Excel/XlOrientation.vb
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02 - Excel/XlPageBreak.vb
02 - Excel/XlPageBreakExtent.vb
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02 - Excel/XlParameterType.vb
02 - Excel/XlPasteSpecialOperation.vb
02 - Excel/XlPasteType.vb
02 - Excel/XlPattern.vb
02 - Excel/XlPhoneticAlignment.vb
02 - Excel/XlPhoneticCharacterType.vb
02 - Excel/XlPictureAppearance.vb
02 - Excel/XlPictureConvertorType.vb
02 - Excel/XlPivotCellType.vb
02 - Excel/XlPivotConditionScope.vb
02 - Excel/XlPivotFieldCalculation.vb
02 - Excel/XlPivotFieldDataType.vb
02 - Excel/XlPivotFieldOrientation.vb
02 - Excel/XlPivotFilterType.vb
02 - Excel/XlPivotFormatType.vb
02 - Excel/XlPivotLineType.vb
02 - Excel/XlPivotTableMissingItems.vb
02 - Excel/XlPivotTableSourceType.vb
02 - Excel/XlPivotTableVersionList.vb
02 - Excel/XlPlacement.vb
02 - Excel/XlPlatform.vb
02 - Excel/XlPrintErrors.vb
02 - Excel/XlPrintLocation.vb
02 - Excel/XlPriority.vb
02 - Excel/XlPropertyDisplayedIn.vb
02 - Excel/XlQueryType.vb
02 - Excel/XlRangeAutoFormat.vb
02 - Excel/XlRangeValueDataType.vb
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02 - Excel/XlReferenceType.vb
02 - Excel/XlRemoveDocInfoType.vb
02 - Excel/XlRgbColor.vb
02 - Excel/XlRobustConnect.vb
02 - Excel/XlRoutingSlipDelivery.vb
02 - Excel/XlRoutingSlipStatus.vb
02 - Excel/XlRowCol.vb
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02 - Excel/XlSaveAction.vb
02 - Excel/XlSaveAsAccessMode.vb
02 - Excel/XlSaveConflictResolution.vb
02 - Excel/XlScaleType.vb
02 - Excel/XlSearchDirection.vb
02 - Excel/XlSearchOrder.vb
02 - Excel/XlSearchWithin.vb
02 - Excel/XlSheetType.vb
02 - Excel/XlSheetVisibility.vb
02 - Excel/XlSizeRepresents.vb
02 - Excel/XlSmartTagControlType.vb
02 - Excel/XlSmartTagDisplayMode.vb
02 - Excel/XlSortDataOption.vb
02 - Excel/XlSortMethod.vb
02 - Excel/XlSortMethodOld.vb
02 - Excel/XlSortOn.vb
02 - Excel/XlSortOrder.vb
02 - Excel/XlSortOrientation.vb
02 - Excel/XlSortType.vb
02 - Excel/XlSourceType.vb
02 - Excel/XlSpeakDirection.vb
02 - Excel/XlSpecialCellsValue.vb
02 - Excel/XlStdColorScale.vb
02 - Excel/XlSubscribeToFormat.vb
02 - Excel/XlSubtototalLocationType.vb
02 - Excel/XlSummaryColumn.vb
02 - Excel/XlSummaryReportType.vb
02 - Excel/XlSummaryRow.vb
02 - Excel/XlTabPosition.vb
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02 - Excel/XlTextParsingType.vb
02 - Excel/XlTextQualifier.vb
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02 - Excel/XlThemeFont.vb
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02 - Excel/XlTickLabelOrientation.vb
02 - Excel/XlTickLabelPosition.vb
02 - Excel/XlTickMark.vb
02 - Excel/XlTimePeriods.vb
02 - Excel/XlTimeUnit.vb
02 - Excel/XlToolbarProtection.vb
02 - Excel/XlTopBottom.vb
02 - Excel/XlTotalsCalculation.vb
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02 - Excel/XlUnderlineStyle.vb
02 - Excel/XlUpdateLinks.vb
02 - Excel/XlVAlign.vb
02 - Excel/XlWBATemplate.vb
02 - Excel/XlWebFormatting.vb
02 - Excel/XlWebSelectionType.vb
02 - Excel/XlWindowState.vb
02 - Excel/XlWindowType.vb
02 - Excel/XlWindowView.vb
02 - Excel/XlXLMMacroType.vb
02 - Excel/XlXmlExportResult.vb
02 - Excel/XlXmlImportResult.vb
02 - Excel/XlXmlLoadOption.vb
02 - Excel/XlYesNoGuess.vb
02 - Excel/XmlDataBinding.vb
02 - Excel/XmlMap.vb
02 - Excel/XmlMaps.vb
02 - Excel/XmlNamespace.vb
02 - Excel/XmlNamespaces.vb
02 - Excel/XmlSchema.vb
02 - Excel/XmlSchemas.vb
02 - Excel/_Application.vb
02 - Excel/_Chart.vb
02 - Excel/_Global.vb
02 - Excel/_IOLEObject.vb
02 - Excel/_IQueryTable.vb
02 - Excel/_OLEObject.vb
02 - Excel/_QueryTable.vb
02 - Excel/_Workbook.vb
02 - Excel/_Worksheet.vb
03 - Word/AddIn.vb
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03 - Word/Adjustments.vb
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03 - Word/AutoCaptions.vb
03 - Word/AutoCorrect.vb
03 - Word/AutoCorrectEntries.vb
03 - Word/AutoCorrectEntry.vb
03 - Word/AutoTextEntries.vb
03 - Word/AutoTextEntry.vb
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03 - Word/Bookmarks.vb
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03 - Word/Borders.vb
03 - Word/Break.vb
03 - Word/Breaks.vb
03 - Word/Browser.vb
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03 - Word/BuildingBlockEntries.vb
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03 - Word/BuildingBlockTypes.vb
03 - Word/BuildingBlocks.vb
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03 - Word/CaptionLabels.vb
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03 - Word/Category.vb
03 - Word/Cell.vb
03 - Word/Cells.vb
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03 - Word/Columns.vb
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03 - Word/Comments.vb
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03 - Word/ContentControlListEntry.vb
03 - Word/ContentControls.vb
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03 - Word/CustomLabels.vb
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03 - Word/CustomProperty.vb
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03 - Word/DiagramNodeChildren.vb
03 - Word/DiagramNodes.vb
03 - Word/Dialog.vb
03 - Word/Dialogs.vb
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03 - Word/Dictionary.vb
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03 - Word/Documents.vb
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03 - Word/DropDown.vb
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03 - Word/Editors.vb
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03 - Word/EmailSignatureEntry.vb
03 - Word/Endnote.vb
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03 - Word/Endnotes.vb
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03 - Word/Field.vb
03 - Word/Fields.vb
03 - Word/FileConverter.vb
03 - Word/FileConverters.vb
03 - Word/FillFormat.vb
03 - Word/Find.vb
03 - Word/FirstLetterException.vb
03 - Word/FirstLetterExceptions.vb
03 - Word/Font.vb
03 - Word/FontNames.vb
03 - Word/Footnote.vb
03 - Word/FootnoteOptions.vb
03 - Word/Footnotes.vb
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03 - Word/FormFields.vb
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03 - Word/Frames.vb
03 - Word/Frameset.vb
03 - Word/FreeformBuilder.vb
03 - Word/Global.vb
03 - Word/GlowFormat.vb
03 - Word/GroupShapes.vb
03 - Word/HTMLDivision.vb
03 - Word/HTMLDivisions.vb
03 - Word/HangulAndAlphabetException.vb
03 - Word/HangulAndAlphabetExceptions.vb
03 - Word/HangulHanjaConversionDictionaries.vb
03 - Word/HeaderFooter.vb
03 - Word/HeadersFooters.vb
03 - Word/HeadingStyle.vb
03 - Word/HeadingStyles.vb
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03 - Word/Hyperlinks.vb
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03 - Word/InlineShapes.vb
03 - Word/KeyBinding.vb
03 - Word/KeyBindings.vb
03 - Word/KeysBoundTo.vb
03 - Word/Language.vb
03 - Word/Languages.vb
03 - Word/LetterContent.vb
03 - Word/Line.vb
03 - Word/LineFormat.vb
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ZZ - Generators/01 - WrapperAssembliesCodeGenerator/01 - CodeGenerator/ResolutionEventArgs.cs
ZZ - Generators/01 - WrapperAssembliesCodeGenerator/01 - CodeGenerator/SourceCodeBuilder.cs
ZZ - Generators/01 - WrapperAssembliesCodeGenerator/01 - CodeGenerator/VbNetSourceCodeGenerator.cs
ZZ - Generators/01 - WrapperAssembliesCodeGenerator/01 - CodeGenerator/app.config
ZZ - Generators/01 - WrapperAssembliesCodeGenerator/01 - WrapperAssembliesCodeGenerator.sln
ZZ - Generators/01 - WrapperAssembliesCodeGenerator/01 - WrapperAssembliesCodeGenerator.vssscc
ZZ - Samples/01 - ExcelSample01/01 - ExcelSample01.csproj
ZZ - Samples/01 - ExcelSample01/01 - ExcelSample01.csproj.vspscc
ZZ - Samples/01 - ExcelSample01/01 - ExcelSample01.sln
ZZ - Samples/01 - ExcelSample01/01 - ExcelSample01.vssscc
ZZ - Samples/01 - ExcelSample01/Form1.Designer.cs
ZZ - Samples/01 - ExcelSample01/Form1.cs
ZZ - Samples/01 - ExcelSample01/Form1.resx
ZZ - Samples/01 - ExcelSample01/Program.cs
ZZ - Samples/01 - ExcelSample01/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
ZZ - Samples/01 - ExcelSample01/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs
ZZ - Samples/01 - ExcelSample01/Properties/Resources.resx
ZZ - Samples/01 - ExcelSample01/Properties/Settings.Designer.cs
ZZ - Samples/01 - ExcelSample01/Properties/Settings.settings


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