List of Sound


  • OpenSource Voting System
    OpenSource Voting is exactly what it sounds like. Voting machine system development is such a clandestine world where the code is considered classified and usually it is easy to hack. The goal of this project it not just to develop a coding standard that not only is transpar...
  • ReRemind
    ReRemind is a Windows Mobile service that plays a brief sound at a specified interval when reminders, missed calls, and voicemails are awaiting your attention.
  • Wii Play The Drums
    Wii Play The Drums is a .NET application written in visual basic that gives the user the experience of playing drums using the Nintendo Wii Wiimotes. Users can can map any .wav sound to any of the provided Wiimote gesture/button combinations provided, create their own presets...
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List of Sound
OpenSource Voting System
Wii Play The Drums