border « Plot « JFreeChart Q&A

1. How to know the size of borders before plotting ?

Hi, I have to plot a large amount of data. Classic chartpanel is really to slow, I can have a graph much quicker using chart.getChart().createBufferedImage(...). I used this way to draw my chart. My problem is that I need to know now the value pointed by my user on image created from the chart . I had a mouselistener on the ...

2. XYPlot border

4. Legend Border (XYPlot)

chart_panel.getChart().getLegend().setItemPaint(Color.GREEN); // legend color - that works, legend text turns green chart_panel.getChart().getLegend().setBackgroundPaint(Color.BLUE); // that works too, background blue - but how to make the border disappear? plot.getLegendItems().get(0).setOutlinePaint(Color.RED); - doesn't do anything plot.getLegendItems().get(0).setLabelPaint(Color.RED); - doesn't do anything System.out.println(chart_panel.getChart().getLegend().getWrapper() == null); // produces true - but the legend border is visible. if I set this wrapper, I have 2 borders around the text ...

5. Plot at range border of a range restricted XYLinePlot

Hi, i need a XYLinePlot with fixed ranges for both axis. I tried with NumberAxis.setRange(0, 1) and it works with the restriction, that values directly on the range-borders are cutted off (See the image as example). How can i change this to not cut off the plot and also keeping the fixed range? It is okay for me to show more ...