value « Series « JFreeChart Q&A

1. How to show series values on the top of LayeredBar chart?

How to show series values on the top of LayeredBar chart? by paolobacci Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:02 pm Hi, I'm trying to display the values on the top of the layerbars. As it is a layer chart the data is displayed on top of the previous and I'm having a hard time showing the values. Code: Select all import ...

2. Help with TimeSeries and high values.

Hello I'm currently trying to make a chart drawing bitrates. My problem is that when there's only one value in my chart, and that value is over 67 100 000 ( well not exactly but it crashes at 67 200 000 for exemple ) i get an Exception each time JFreeChart tryes to refresh the chart. However if there's two or ...

3. change value of Series

4. display only a part of my values of a TimeSeries

A couple of ideas: (1) Just set the axis range so the chart displays a subset of your data; (2) Write a new XYDataset implementation that "wraps" your TimeSeries and only presents a subset of the values. That way, JFreeChart will never even be aware that it is dealing with a subset.

5. domain with value of Series...

6. Timeseries - percent value label

Hi, i try to create TimeSeriesChart with values from 0 to 1 which represent percentage values. I try to set a label generator to display percentage value but it doesn't work. Code: Select all new StandardXYItemLabelGenerator( ...

7. How do I get the Y value of a timeseries from a a given X?

I've got a standard TimeSeries chart with two series. When I move my mouse around the chart I'd like to display the time under the mouse and the Y value of the two series at that time in a separate component. I can get the X value (time) and the exact Y value under the mouse, but how do I get ...

8. Series column value is truncate.

Please tell any one, how to display the entire string in column. I am giving series value as 2008/3/04 22:12:12. but line chart series value display like this 22.12.. . Please any one tell how to correct this problem. Code for your refrerence. int[] chartValue = {750,650,850,354,4545}; int[] chartValue1 = {1762,1885,1652,343,2344}; int[] chartValue2 = {2585,2972,2455,343,2312}; int[] chartValue3 = {3750,3650,3850,332,2324}; int[] chartValue4 ...

9. TimeSeries : Possible to not allocate space for zero values?

TimeSeries : Possible to not allocate space for zero values? by BBarlow Fri May 23, 2008 6:53 pm [using v 1.09] I have several dynamically updated TimeSeries (in a TimeSeriesCollection) plotted on an XYPlot with a ClusteredXYBarRenderer. The idea is to track occurrences of certain events, and plot them in near-real time. Thus, only the right-most (newest) items in each ...

10. Stacking values from the same series

I'm using JFreeChart 1.0.10 in an application I'm writing for keeping track of bank accounts. The chart I'm currently working on plots transactions in (range axis) vs date (domain axis) using a StackedXYBarRenderer. My challenge is to get the bars for transactions that happened on the same day to stack on top of each other. Is that possible? Note that ...

11. Duplicate series values

Hi, When I tried to add below given values, I get the exception. X-axis Y-axis ---------------------------------------- 091000.180 100.000039999999 091000.180 100.000029999999 Exception: 091000.180 100.000039999999 Exception in thread "main" You are attempting to add an observation for the time period Thu Jan 01 09:10:00 GMT+05:30 1970 but the series already contains an observation for that time period. Duplicates are not permitted. Try ...

12. Adding x values and y values as separate series 1.0.13

Adding x values and y values as separate series 1.0.13 by 84923331 Wed Jun 24, 2009 2:23 pm Is it possible to create a series with only 1 parameter, as in one list of numbers for use in either xy series or time series. Right now to plot a series I add data to to a xy series with .add(x, ...

13. How to set first value to be plotted in Time Series

Hi people, Am trying to plot a chart that uses more than two TimeSeries in a collection. My problem is, I would like to determine the values that are plotted first, that is the beginning of the time series. For example, when i have the following values added to the timeseries, I want to be able to set or change the ...

14. JFreee TimeSeries Chart with database values

JFreee TimeSeries Chart with database values by vishrutnshah Sun Apr 10, 2011 8:58 am Hello , I want to use Jfree time series chat in my JSP page. I got the code from internet and it's working fine with static values.But when i use variable instead of static integer no it doen't work. My code is as follows ; ============================================================================= ...

15. JFreeChart TimeSeries place with only past values

Create a plot CreateTimeSeriesChart, and sending the date 01/05/2010 07:00:00 and the date 05/05/2010 08:32:00 and JFreeChart automatically creates values for days 02/05/2010 03/05/2010 04/05/2010 making an average between the values that I sent. I do not want that to happen I just want the chart has the values of the days I spent, go directly 01 to 05. How do ...