Date « PrimeFaces « JSF Q&A

1. How to convert date?

I'am using the calendar of primefaces:

<p:calendar  value="#{TestAjax.date1}" showOn="button" />
this calandar return the date with this format:
Fri Jul 08 00:00:00 GMT+01:00 2011
How can I convert this date to this format : ...

2. How to validate a date from a Calendar

I have tried the following code (I have followed an example) to test a date choosen from a calendar. If the date don't exist in my database, then a validation error ...

3. how validate the primefaces date

I have this XHTML code. In this code, the Javascript validation doesnt run:

<h:form id="form1"  >

          <h:outputText  for="activity_start_date" value="start date: " ...

4. dataExporter and date

Hi I use dataExporter to export a table into excel. The table contains a date value with a converter (). In the table, the date value will be ...

5. Datatable Date Range

What is the simplest way to restrict to restrict a list of items (where one of the item properties is a date) in a dataTable list to a user updateable date ...

6. Release Date of Next Version

Dear all, Planned release date of PrimeFaces 1.0.0 and 2.0.0 release date is 15th of February. User's Guide covering all the new features and changed parts is also ready. Guide reached ...

7. Reset date in a p:calendar

Hi, now im working with primefaces v3.M2. In my app I use p:calendar component as 'readonly' field. I have a problem with that, when users select a date, is imposible to ...

8. Lenient Date in calendar

Hi there, Is there anyway to tells the converter to accept only lenient date for user input ? This is done by specifying setLenient(true) in the DateFormat converter. This could be ...

9. how to validate a date from a Calendar

Hello, I'am using JSF2.0/primefaces, I have a Calendar ,the user should select a date from it , when he choose a date it should be compared to values in my database ...

10. Reseting calendar selected date

Hi, Is there any way to reset a selected date in a calendar? I want to use a calendar with this option - readOnlyInputText="true" ,but if i use it, users cannot ...

11. Multiple date selection in calendar (PF 3.0.M2)

Hi Is it possible to choose many dates in calendar? I know, that in PF 1, there was an attributte of p:callendar called "selection". In PF 3, there isn't that attribute; ...

12. Schedule: Change view and date using JavaScript

function handleDateSelectStart(obj, dayDate, allDay, jsEvent, view) { if ( == 'month') { obj.fullCalendar('changeView' , 'agendaDay'); // or even better, ...

13. display current date

14. What is the target date for the release PF 3.0 M4

I am eager to see the listed benefits in the upcoming roll-out. I shifted form the M3 to M4, (From last 20th Oct repository). Again I took the 24th rolout, all ...

15. Primeface Calendar and Credit Card expiration date selection

Hi We are trying to decide whether to use primefaces or richfaces in our company web applications and are leaning towards primefaces but have a few questions. At present I am ...

16. Change selected date of schedule from another component

Hi everyone, I wanted to know how I can change the schedules selected date from another componente or the backing bean? I tried to use the initialDate value for this but, ...

17. How initiate ajax request when date selected in

18. p:calendar conversion error with ajax and date/time pattern

I'm using p:calendar in popup mode with a pattern that contains date and time fields (MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss), and an ajax behavior to render the form as the date/time is changed. When ...

19. How to clear todays date from the Calendar?

When the calendar shows up today is highlighted. When a user clicks on today, there is not visible change the date has been set. How can the calendar month show up ...

20. datatable columm with a date pattern

Hi, Its possible to print a datatable columm with a date pattern? Here in Brazil we're used to dates in format dd-mm-yyyy, and the date variable in java prints yyyy-mm-dd. Thanks ...

21. Convert Date in p:panel

Yes I found this here: But how can I built this in the panel? Can you please help me.

22. Scheduler Date wrong

Hi, when I click on demo scheduler on any date, it shows me the date one day before I click. EG: I click o 1.April, in popup window i see ...

23. Next release date extimation

24. Ideas on how to implement specific date chooser

I want to implement this funcionality: - One calendar that i can choose the dates... ok... normal... but when i choose some day, automatically opens an inplace popup asking the user ...

25. calendar on shows date correct when pattern is dd/MM/yyyy

Hi I have a problem with p:calender in version 2.1 final when setting the pattern="yyyy-MM-dd". The date is dislays as expected but when opening the popup the data is not set ...

26. p:calendar date and hour

27. schedule confusing dates

Hello, When the schedule is rendered the events are shown correctly, but when I add a new event the schedule shows the event 1 day before , it's the same when ...

28. Calendar does not work with min-date

Hy folks, I have a problem concerning the primefaces-calendar. First of all - the code: Code: ...

30. How to set the default date in Calendar?

Calendar component always shows today's date as the default date. I want to set a particular date as the default date. How can I do that?

31. Possible Solution for Date/Time Picker

Ben Khalifa Mouadh engineering student at National School of Computer Sciences - Tunisia JSF 2.0, GlassFish v3, PF 2.0.1,Majorra 2.0.2, netBeans 6.8

32. p:calendar validating date output

public void validate(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value) throws ValidatorException { System.out.println(value); System.out.println("datefrom "+dateFrom); ...

33. Date and time settings in p:calendar?

The calendar component doesn't currently support time. You can use separate spinner components for time (Yes, having to combine the Date day, int hour, and int minutes in the backing bean ...

34. How to disable specific dates in Calendar

We've been trying to disable some specific dates in Calendar something alike beforeshowdays of UI-DatePicker. Environment: JSF 2.0 Primefaces 2.2RC2 Apache Tomcat 7.0

35. bug in datatable: shows wrong date

05 Jan 2011, 19:16 by markus.zwickl bug in datatable: shows wrong date Hi, i saw a bug in datatable: the wrong dates are shown in my records. It is always 1 ...

36. Release date of 2.2

January 24, we're almost done with the new PrimeFaces User's Guide and rest of the time will be spent on bug fixing. If we are happy with the state of 2.2 ...

37. p:schedule - go to date: does it exist?

Hi, I looked in the bug/features for p:schedule and didn't find anything about date selector/picker. Does this exist? (i.e. select the date...calendar year/month/date) Thanks

38. eventMoveListener date value problem

Hello everyone, I have a schedule component with a scheduleEvent (8:00 am to 10:00 pm) for this date : 31 Jan Monday. When i move the event to 2 Feb Wed.. ...

39. Schedule sets wrong date when moving event

I am using a schedule with draggable events. Everytime I move an event, the view works well but the date retrieved by ScheduleEntryMoveEvent doesn't match the date to which I moved ...

40. Calendar Date - Month greater than 12

44. schedule and different display by date

Hello, I am using the schedule. I have a interrogation: I am doing an application to take appointment. But the appointment depend of the day. For example, monday, it is 8am-5pm ...

45. Schedule time issue, why cant I set events with date + hour?

19 Apr 2011, 20:03 by daniel_r Schedule time issue, why cant I set events with date + hour? Hi I know its not the first time I'm asking a question about ...

46. DataTable Date ajax validation

Hi everyone I have a with some colums having Date values, well evrything works well, but i'm facing a particular situation : inside some colums i have a to ...

47. Calendar future dates disabling

Hi I am trying to disable future dates in the calendar. How can I do this? Which option I should use? Thanks for your help in the advance.