login « security « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. User Login in Java - JAAS/JNDI/GSSAPI    stackoverflow.com

What is the best way to design a user login mechanism using Java? What are the best practices to be followed to architect a secure and robust login mechanism? What is ...

2. Java AJAX webapp security    stackoverflow.com

I'm experimenting with creating a simple AJAX Java webapp. I'd like to use the container managed security provided by the Servlet container, but having investigated it have a feeling that it ...

3. Java authentication, authorization service (JAAS)    stackoverflow.com

I am not getting resouces for the JAAS. I dont know that is this appropriate place to ask this but help me. Thanks

4. different ways of logging in a user in a Java EE 6 web app    stackoverflow.com

I am wondering what all options or ways do we have in a Java EE 6 web app, to log in users? With this I mean, saving their data (id, username, ...

5. Jackrabbit Security    stackoverflow.com

I started to use Jackrabbit in my project. As i found out there is no complex LoginModule and AccessManager given. I mean we can find SimpleLoginModule but it is just a ...

6. Acegi Security - Multiple logins from same directory    stackoverflow.com

I have two different webapps both located in the same directory with two different login pages. /login1.jsp /login2.jsp Upon failing to authenticate, I want the user to be redirected to the corresponding login page ...

7. How does one access the request from within a login-module?    stackoverflow.com

I am building a login-module (JBOSS 5.1) which must access a security token from a webservice request. I know that acces the HttpServletRequest with the following code:

final String WEB_REQUEST_KEY = "javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest";
HttpServletRequest request ...

8. Separated login config for JBoss?    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to create an RPM-packaged Ear file that should be installable together with other RPM-packagesd Ear files in a JBoss container. (I could probably create a separate container within JBoss, ...

9. Java EE 6 Application Client login    stackoverflow.com

I am quite new to Java EE and have been having a lot of trouble just getting started on the application I want to create. What I would like is a ...

10. Execute code when sucessful JAAS login is done    stackoverflow.com

Is there something like a listener that I can use when JAAS authentication is done successfully, so that I can execute code in that moment? Right now I'm using JBOSS AS ...

11. java.security.auth.login.config file in path with space    stackoverflow.com

When I execute

System.setProperty("java.security.auth.login.config", ejbLoginConfig);
using ejbLoginConfig = "../conf/weblogicdomain.conf" and my client is in a path containing spaces, I get a ClassNotFoundException for my EJB call:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: my.app.MyFassade