Insert « Icon Image « Java Swing Q&A

1. insert image with swing

The getResource method asks the class loader to find the resource on the classpath. If your "My Documents" folder is not in your classpath the class loader comes up empty handed. You can construct a new URL for the path. Just add the file protocol before the path. Some of this is discussed in the section Loading Images Using getResource on ...

2. Need help - Create an application to loop through folder of images & insert to db

Hi, We have a requirement to loop through a folder of images (around 1000) and insert all of them to a database. Is there an 'easy' way I can do this using SWT/JFace? Ideally, the user would be able to select all of the images they would like to upload. Any feedback much appreciated. Thanks, Christopher

3. how to insert an image using swings in java?

Ruchi please use code tags next time you post your code. The code below shows how to add image to the panel. May help you out. ImageIcon icon; imageURL = Login.class.getResource("login.jpg"); if (imageURL != null) { icon = new ImageIcon(imageURL); } panel = new JPanel() { protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { Dimension d = getSize(); g.drawImage(icon.getImage(), 0, 0, d.width, d.height, ...

5. Insert an image into Java program

I know that when i want to create an image icon i can write this for example ImageIcon arrow = new ImageIcon("Path of the image here"); but if i want to run this program in another computer the image will not appear as the path is incorrect so, I want to save this image in my program so as to run ...

7. Help inserting a logo icon into gui