AdRotator randomly display different advertisements in a page : AdRotator « Controls « ASP.NET Tutorial

Important properties of AdRotator 

AdvertisementFile:    path to an XML file.

AlternateTextField:   alternate text. 
                      The default value is AlternateText.

DataMember:           bind to a particular data member in the data source.

DataSource:           set a data source.

DataSourceID:         bind to a data source declaratively.

ImageUrlField:        field for the image URL. 
                      The default value for this field is ImageUrl.

KeywordFilter:        filter advertisements by a single keyword.

NavigateUrlField:     advertisement link. 
Target:               open a new window when a user clicks the banner advertisement.

3.28.1.AdRotator randomly display different advertisements in a page
3.28.2.AdRotator for displaying your ad (C#)
3.28.3.OnAdCreated event
3.28.4.Storing Advertisements in an XML File
3.28.5.Storing Advertisements in a Database Table
3.28.6.Using the AdRotator control as a banner ad