Important properties, events and methods of LinkButton control : LinkButton « Controls « ASP.NET Tutorial

AccessKey:         specify a key that navigates to the Button control.

CommandArgument:   specify a command argument that is passed to the Command event.

CommandName:       specify a command name that is passed to the Command event.

Enabled:           disable the LinkButton control.

OnClientClick:     specify a client-side script that executes when the LinkButton is clicked.

PostBackUrl:       post a form to a particular page.

TabIndex:          specify the tab order of the LinkButton control.

Text:              label the LinkButton control.

Focus:             set the initial form focus to the LinkButton control.

Click:             Raised when the LinkButton control is clicked.

Command:           Raised when the LinkButton control is clicked. 
                   The CommandName and CommandArgument are passed to this event.

3.10.1.Important properties, events and methods of LinkButton control
3.10.2.Using the LinkButton Control
3.10.3.Image button, link button and button