ASP.NET Page Directives : Page Directives « Page Lifecycle « ASP.NET Tutorial

Directive    Description
@Page        Define page-specific attributes

@Control     Define control-specific attributes. 

@Import      Import a namespace into a page. 

@Register    Associate aliases with namespaces and class names

@Assembly    Link an assembly against the current page.

@OutputCache Control the output caching policy for the page.

5.2.Page Directives
5.2.1.ASP.NET Page Directives
5.2.2.In page derivative, set trace to true
5.2.3.Debugging ASP.NET Pages
5.2.4.Take advantage of page-level tracing
5.2.5.Setting a Culture Manually
5.2.6.Displaying a localized Calendar control.
5.2.7.Master page
5.2.9.Session State - Disabled
5.2.10.Session State - Readonly