Page.ErrorPage : Page Class « Page Lifecycle « ASP.NET Tutorial

<%@ Page Language="vb" %>
      <title>ErrorPage property example</title>
      <script runat="server">
         Sub Page_Load()
            Page.ErrorPage = "NextPage.aspx"
            Dim x, y, overflow As Integer
            x = 1
            y = 0
            overflow = x/y
            'This code will not be executed
            Message.Text = "Error Page is " & Page.ErrorPage & "."
         End Sub
   <asp:label id="Message" runat="server"/>

File: NextPage.aspx

<%@ Page Language="vb" %>
      <title>ErrorPage property example</title>
      <script runat="server">
         Sub Page_Load()
            Message.Text = "An error occurred. Please try again later."
         End Sub
   <asp:label id="Message" runat="server"/>

5.1.Page Class
5.1.1.Fundamental properties in The Page Class
5.1.2.aspx page inherits from a 'Page' class (C#)
5.1.3.aspx page inherits from a 'Page' class (
5.1.4.Expose the control through a page property
5.1.7.Is page valid