Merging Multiple Site Maps : Site Maps « Development « ASP.NET Tutorial

File: Web.sitemap

Code View: Scroll / Show All

<siteMap xmlns="" >
  description="The Home Page">
    siteMapFile="Employees/Employees.sitemap" />

File: Employees/Employees.sitemap

<siteMap xmlns="" >
    description="Contains descriptions of employees">
      title="Bill Gates"
      description="Bill Gates Page" />
      title="Steve Jobs"
      description="Steve Jobs Page" />

9.40.Site Maps
9.40.1.Defining a Site Map
9.40.2.The SiteMapPath control enables you to navigate to any parent page of the current page.
9.40.3.Format SiteMapPath
9.40.4.Using a template with the SiteMapPath control.
9.40.5.Using the SiteMap Class
9.40.6.Adding nodes to a Site Map dynamically.
9.40.7.Using the SiteMapNode Class
9.40.8.To display different links to different users depending on their roles, enable the Security Trimming
9.40.9.Merging Multiple Site Maps
9.40.10.Creating Custom Site Map Attributes
9.40.11.Creating the AutoSiteMapProvider
9.40.12.Displaying an automatically generated Site Map.
9.40.13.Removing the root node from the retrieved node collection
9.40.14.using the StartFromCurrentNode property
9.40.15.Using the StartingNodeUrl property
9.40.16.Working with the CurrentNode object (C#)
9.40.17.Working with the CurrentNode object (VB)
9.40.18.Creating a custom navigation display using the CurrentNode property (C#)
9.40.19.Creating a custom navigation display using the CurrentNode property (VB)