Create CultureInfo : CultureInfo « I18N « ASP.NET Tutorial

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Globalization" %>

<script runat="server">
   sub Page_Load(Sender as Object, e as EventArgs)
      dim strLanguage as string = Request.UserLanguages(0).ToString
      lblMessage.Text = "Primary language: " & strLanguage & "<br>"
      dim objCulture as new CultureInfo(strLanguage)
      lblMessage.Text += "Full name: " & objCulture.EnglishName & "<br>"
      lblMessage.Text += "Native name: " & objCulture.NativeName & "<br>"
      lblMessage.Text += "Abbreviation: " & objCulture.ThreeLetterISOLanguageName & "<br>"
      lblMessage.Text += "Current Time: " & DateTime.Now.ToString("D", objCulture) & "<br>"
      lblMessage.Text += "Parent: " & objCulture.Parent.EnglishName & "<br>"
   end sub   

   <b>Your user information:</b> 
   <asp:Label id="lblMessage" runat="server"/>

22.1.1.Create CultureInfo
22.1.2.Selecting a culture from a DropDownList control.
22.1.3.Use Profile object to store a user's preferred culture
22.1.4.Using the CultureInfo Class to Format String Values
22.1.5.Select CultureAuto
22.1.6.Choose culture control