Headers Added by C99 : Header Files « Language « C Tutorial

complex.hcomplex arithmetic.
fenv.hGives access to the floating-point status flags and other aspects of the floating-point environment.
inttypes.hDefines a standard, portable set of integer type names. Also supports functions that handle greatest-width integers.
iso646.hAdded in 1995 by Amendment 1. Defines macros that correspond to various operators, such as && and ^.
stdbool.hSupports Boolean data types. Defines the macro bool, which helps with C++ compatibility.
stdint.hDefines a standard, portable set of integer type names. This file is included by .
tgmath.hDefines type-generic floating-point macros.
wchar.hmultibyte and wide-character functions.
wctype.hmultibyte and wide-character classification functions.

From C: The Complete Reference, Fourth Edition by Herbert Schildt McGraw-Hill/Osborne 2000

1.17.Header Files
1.17.1.Include header file
1.17.2.Include the header file for input and output
1.17.4.Common Headers
1.17.5.Headers Added by C99
1.17.6.Macros in Headers