Using array of pointers to functions in one statement : Function Pointer « Function « C Tutorial

#include <stdio.h>

int sum(int x, int y){
  return x + y;

int product(int x, int y){
  return x * y;

int difference(int x, int y){
  return x - y;

int main(void){
  int a = 10;               
  int b = 5;                
  int result = 0;           
  int (*pfun[3])(int, int);           /* Function pointer array declaration */

  /* Initialize pointers */
  pfun[0] = sum;
  pfun[1] = product;
  pfun[2] = difference;

  /* Call all three functions through pointers in an expression */
  result = pfun[1](pfun[0](a, b), pfun[2](a, b));
  printf("\n\nThe product of the sum and the difference = %d\n",

  return 0;
The product of the sum and the difference = 75

8.6.Function Pointer
8.6.1.Pointing to functions
8.6.2.Arrays of Pointers to functions
8.6.3.Using array of pointers to functions in one statement
8.6.4.Passing a pointer of a function to another function