A Closer Look at Exception : Exception « Language Basics « C# / CSharp Tutorial

  1. Message property contains a string that describes the nature of the error.
  2. StackTrace property contains a string that contains the stack of calls that lead to the exception.
  3. TargetSite property obtains an object that specifies the method that generated the exception.

System.Exception also defines several methods.

  1. ToString() returns a string that describes the exception.
  2. Exception defines four constructors.

The most commonly used are shown here:

  Exception(string str)

1.17.1.The Exception Hierarchy
1.17.2.The System.Exception Class
1.17.3.A Closer Look at Exception
1.17.4.Using Exception members
1.17.5.Exception propagation with methods
1.17.6.An unhandled exception
1.17.7.Commonly Used Exceptions Defined Within the System Namespace
1.17.8.Handling a possible exception.