System defines the following structures: : System « Language Basics « C# / CSharp Tutorial

  1. ArgIterator
  2. Boolean
  3. Byte
  4. Char
  5. DateTime
  6. Decimal
  7. Double
  8. Guid
  9. Int16
  10. Int32
  11. Int64
  12. IntPtr
  13. RuntimeArgumentHandle
  14. RuntimeFieldHandle
  15. RuntimeMethodHandle
  16. RuntimeTypeHandle
  17. SByte
  18. Single
  19. TimeSpan
  20. TypedReference
  21. UInt16
  22. UInt32
  23. UInt64
  24. UIntPtr
  25. Void
1.7.1.System defines the core of the C# library.
1.7.2.System defines the following structures:
1.7.3.System defines the following interfaces:
1.7.4.System defines the following delegates:
1.7.5.System defines these enumerations: