The Methods and Fields Supported by Double : float Point Number « Data Type « C# / CSharp Tutorial

public int CompareTo(object v)Returns zero if the values are equal. Returns a negative value if the invoking object has a lower value. Returns a positive value if the invoking object has a greater value.
public override bool Equals(object v)Returns true if the value of the invoking object equals the value of v.
public override int GetHashCode()Returns the hash code.
public TypeCode GetTypeCode()Returns the TypeCode enumeration value for Double, which is TypeCode.Double.
public static bool IsInfinity(double v)Is v infinit (either positive or negative).
public static bool IsNaN(double v)Is v is a number.
public static bool IsPositiveInfinity(double v)Does v represent positive infinity.
public static bool IsNegativeInfinity(double v)Returns true if v represents negative infinity. Otherwise, returns false.
public static double Parse(string str)Parse the string.
public static doubleParse(string str,IFormatProvider fmtpvdr)Parse the string using the culture-specific information provided by fmtpvdr.
public static doubleParse(string str, NumberStyles styles)Parse the string using the style information provided by styles.
public static doubleParse(string str,NumberStyles styles,IFormatProvider fmtpvdr)Returns the binary equivalent of the numeric string in str using the style information provided by styles and the culture-specific format information provided by fmtpvdr.
public override string ToString()Convert value to string.
public string ToString(string format)Convert value to string by the format.
public stringToString(IFormatProvider fmtpvdr)Convert value to string by the culture-specific information specified in fmtpvdr.
public stringToString(string format,IFormatProvider fmtpvdr)Convert value to string by the culture-specific information specified in fmtpvdr and the format specified by format.

public const double EpsilonThe smallest non-zero positive value.
public const double MaxValueThe largest value that a double can hold.
public const double MinValueThe smallest value that a double can hold.
public const double NaNA value that is not a number.
public const double NegativeInfinityA value representing negative infinity.
public const double PositiveInfinityA value representing positive infinity.

2.22.float Point Number
2.22.1.Floating-Point Types
2.22.2.The Methods and Fields Supported by Single
2.22.3.The Methods and Fields Supported by Double
2.22.4.float point value literal: 3.281f and 5E-02
2.22.5.Floating point ranges
2.22.6.Unexpected Inequality Due to Floating-Point Inaccuracies