Operator list : Assignment Operator « Operator « C# / CSharp Tutorial

Category                                          Operator

Arithmetic                                        +-*/%

Logical                                           &|^~&&||!

String concatenation                              +

Increment and decrement                           ++ --

Bit shifting                                      << >>

Comparison                                        == != <> <= >=

Assignment                                        =+=-=*=/=%=&=|=^=<<=>>=

Member access (for objects and structs)           .

Indexing (for arrays and indexers)                []

Cast                                              ()

Conditional (the Ternary Operator)                ?:

Delegate concatenation and removal                +-

Object Creation                                   new

Type information                                  sizeof (unsafe code only) is typeof as

Overflow exception control                        checked unchecked

Indirection and Address                           *->& (unsafe code only) []

Namespace alias qualifier                         ::

Null coalescing operator                          ??

3.1.Assignment Operator
3.1.1.The Assignment Operator
3.1.2.Full list of shortcut assignment operators available in C#.
3.1.3.Operator list
3.1.4.List of Compound Operators