Using the Pre-Increment Operator : Prefix Postfix Operator « Operator « C# / CSharp Tutorial

class MainClass
  static void Main()
    int count;
    int result;
    count = 0;
    result = ++count;
    System.Console.WriteLine("result = {0} and count = {1}", result, count);

3.3.Prefix Postfix Operator
3.3.1.Increment and Decrement
3.3.2.Pre And Post Increment
3.3.3.The difference between prefix and postfix forms of ++
3.3.4.postfix increment
3.3.5.prefix increment
3.3.6.postfix decrement
3.3.7.prefix decrement
3.3.8.Using the Post-Increment Operator
3.3.9.Using the Pre-Increment Operator
3.3.10.Operators ++