A simple class hierarchy. : Class hierarchy « Class « C# / CSharp Tutorial

  1. A class that is inherited is called a base class.
  2. The inheriting class is called a derived class.
  3. A derived class is a specialized version of a base class.
  4. A derived class has all of the variables, methods, properties, operators, and indexers from the base class
  5. A derived class adds its own unique elements.

The general form of a class declaration that inherits a base class:

class derived-class-name : base-class-name {
    // body of class

Private members are not inherited.

using System; 
class Shape { 
  public double width; 
  public double height; 
  public void showDim() { 
    Console.WriteLine("Width and height are " + 
                       width + " and " + height); 
class Triangle : Shape { 
  public string style; // style of triangle 
  // Return area of triangle. 
  public double area() { 
    return width * height / 2; 
  // Display a triangle's style. 
  public void showStyle() { 
    Console.WriteLine("Triangle is " + style); 
class MainClass { 
  public static void Main() { 
    Triangle t1 = new Triangle(); 
    Triangle t2 = new Triangle(); 
    t1.width = 4.0; 
    t1.height = 4.0; 
    t1.style = "isosceles"; 
    t2.width = 8.0; 
    t2.height = 12.0; 
    t2.style = "right"; 
    Console.WriteLine("Info for t1: "); 
    Console.WriteLine("Area is " + t1.area()); 
    Console.WriteLine("Info for t2: "); 
    Console.WriteLine("Area is " + t2.area()); 
Info for t1:
Triangle is isosceles
Width and height are 4 and 4
Area is 8

Info for t2:
Triangle is right
Width and height are 8 and 12
Area is 48

7.20.Class hierarchy
7.20.1.A simple class hierarchy.
7.20.2.A multilevel hierarchy.
7.20.3.Demonstrate when constructors are called.
7.20.4.Simple Inheritance
7.20.5.Inherited Implementation