How to define methods that return a value and accept parameters : Method Return « Class « C# / CSharp Tutorial

class Car
  public int yearBuilt;
  public double maximumSpeed;

  public int Age(int currentYear)
    int age = currentYear - yearBuilt;
    return age;

  public double Distance(double initialSpeed, double time)
    return (initialSpeed + maximumSpeed) / 2 * time;


class MainClass

  public static void Main()
    Car myCar = new Car();

    myCar.yearBuilt = 2000;
    myCar.maximumSpeed = 150;

    int age = myCar.Age(2001);
    System.Console.WriteLine("myCar is " + age + " year old.");
    System.Console.WriteLine("myCar travels " + myCar.Distance(31, .25) + " miles.");


myCar is 1 year old.
myCar travels 22.625 miles.

7.7.Method Return
7.7.1.Return int from function
7.7.2.Return an object
7.7.3.Use a class factory
7.7.4.Return an array
7.7.5.How to define methods that return a value and accept parameters
7.7.6.Methods That Return a Value and Accept Parameters