AttributeUsage : AttributeUsage « Attribute « C# / CSharp Tutorial

The AttributeUsage attribute specifies the types of items to which an attribute can be applied.

AttributeUsage is another name for the System.AttributeUsageAttribute class.

AttributeUsage has the following constructor:

AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets item)

item specifies the item or items upon which the attribute can be used.

AttributeTargets is an enumeration that defines the following values:

  1. All
  2. Assembly
  3. Class
  4. Constructor
  5. Delegate
  6. Enum
  7. Event
  8. Field
  9. Interface
  10. Method
  11. Module
  12. Parameter
  13. Property
  14. ReturnValue
  15. Struct

Two or more of these values can be ORed together.

AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property
  1. AttributeUsage supports two named parameters: AllowMultiple and Inherited.
  2. AllowMultiple, a bool value. Whether the attribute can be applied more than one time to a single item.
  3. Inherited, a bool value. Whether the attribute is inherited by derived classes.
  4. The default setting for both AllowMultiple and Inherited is false.
10.6.2.Define a attribute for remark