Culture-sensitive DateTime format strings : DateTime Format « Date Time « C# / CSharp Tutorial

Format string          Meaning                      Sample output
d                      Short date                   01/02/2010
D                      Long date                    Sunday, 02 January 2010
t                      Short time                   17:18
T                      Long time                    17:18:19
f                      Long date + short time       Sunday, 02 January 2010 17:18
F                      Long date + long time        Sunday, 02 January 2010 17:18:19
g                      Short date + short time      01/02/2010 17:18
G (default)            Short date + long time       01/02/2010 17:18:19
m, M                   Month and day                January 02
y, Y                   Year and month               2010 January

13.3.DateTime Format
13.3.1.DateTime Formatting
13.3.2.Format time and date: {0:hh:mm tt}
13.3.3.Format time and date: 24 hour time is {0:HH:mm}
13.3.4.Format time and date: Date is {0:ddd MMM dd, yyyy}
13.3.5.Format time and date: Date is {0:gg}
13.3.6.Format time and date: Time with seconds{0:HH:mm:ss tt}
13.3.7.Format time and date: Use m for day of month{0:m}
13.3.8.Format time and date: use m for minutes: {0:%m}
13.3.9.Format time and date information.
13.3.10.Use the ToLongDateString() and ToShortDateString() methods to convert the date parts of a DateTime to long and short date strings
13.3.11.Use the ToLongTimeString() and ToShortTimeString() methods to convert the time parts of a DateTime to long and short time strings
13.3.12.Use the ToString() method to convert a DateTime to a string: MMMM dd, yyyy
13.3.13.Use the ToString() method to convert a DateTime to a string: d, D, f, F, g, G, m ,r, s, t,T, u, U, y
13.3.14.Pre-built date/time specifiers
13.3.15.Culture-insensitive DateTime format strings
13.3.16.Culture-sensitive DateTime format strings
13.3.17.Format DateTime for different CultureInfo
13.3.18.DateTime long date pattern
13.3.19.Format DateTime with %M
13.3.20.DateTime custime format: MMMM dd, yyyy (dddd)
13.3.21.Format DayOfWeek