References must be initialized : reference « Data Types « C++ Tutorial

#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

int main()
   int x = 321;
   int &y = x;

   cout << "x = " << x << "    y = " << y << endl;
   y = 123;
   cout << "x = " << x << "    y = " << y << endl;
   return 0; 
x = 321    y = 321
x = 123    y = 123

2.32.1.Creating and Using References
2.32.2.Use References operator &
2.32.3.References must be initialized
2.32.4.Change reference value
2.32.5.Reassigning a reference
2.32.6.Returning a reference
2.32.7.Assign value to a reference-return
2.32.8.Return a reference to an array element.
2.32.9.Use an independent reference.
2.32.10.class for counted reference semantics
2.32.11.Use reference to swap value
2.32.12.constant references
2.32.13.Use reference as a return type