Demonstrating operators .* and ->*. : Operators « Operators statements « C++ Tutorial

#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

class MyClass
   void myFunction()
      cout << "In myFunction function\n";

   int value;

void f( MyClass * );
void f2( MyClass * );

int main()
   MyClass myFunction;
   myFunction.value = 8;
   f( &myFunction );
   f2( &myFunction );
   return 0;

void f( MyClass *myFunctionPtr )
   void ( MyClass::*memPtr )() = &MyClass::myFunction;
   ( myFunctionPtr->*memPtr )();

void f2( MyClass *myFunctionPtr2 )
   int MyClass::*vPtr = &MyClass::value;
   cout << ( *myFunctionPtr2 ).*vPtr << endl;
In myFunction function

3.1.1.Precedence of C Operators
3.1.2.Demonstrating operators .* and ->*.
3.1.3.Using the unary scope resolution operator
3.1.4.Demonstrates built-in arithmetic operators
3.1.5.Using the & and * operators