an array of pointers to strings : array pointer « Array « C++ Tutorial

#include <iostream>  
  using namespace std;  
  const int DAYS = 7;            
  int main(){                           
     char* arrptrs[DAYS] = { "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday",  
                             "Wednesday", "Thursday",  
                             "Friday", "Saturday"  };  
     for(int j=0; j<DAYS; j++)
        cout << arrptrs[j] << endl;  
     return 0;  

4.3.array pointer
4.3.1.Array pointer
4.3.2.Index a pointer as if it were an array
4.3.3.Use a 2-D array of pointers to create a dictionary
4.3.4.Output array address by using array pointer
4.3.5.passing array as a constant pointer
4.3.6.array accessed with array notation
4.3.7.array accessed with pointer notation
4.3.8.array accessed with pointer array of pointers to strings
4.3.10.Relationship between pointers and arrays