Create user-defined, nonparameterized stream manipulators: bell manipulator (using escape sequence \a) : output manipulator « Development « C++ Tutorial

#include <iostream>
using std::ostream;
using std::cout;
using std::flush;

ostream& bell( ostream& output )
   return output << '\a';  // issue system beep

int main()

   cout << bell; // use bell manipulator
   return 0;

5.10.output manipulator
5.10.1.A simple output manipulator
5.10.2.Create an output manipulator
5.10.3.ostream flag
5.10.4.EndLine manipulator (using escape sequence \n and member function flush)
5.10.5.Create user-defined, nonparameterized stream manipulators: bell manipulator (using escape sequence \a)
5.10.6.Create user-defined, nonparameterized stream manipulators: carriageReturn manipulator (using escape sequence \r) manipulator (using escape sequence \t)
5.10.8.Using the endl stream manipulator.
5.10.9.Create custom ostream operator