Use two default parameter values : default arguments « Function « C++ Tutorial

#include <iostream>
 int f(int length, int width = 25, int height = 1);
 int main()
     int length = 100;
     int width = 50;
     int height = 2;
     int area;
     area = f(length, width, height);
     std::cout << "First time area equals " << area << "\n";
     area = f(length, width);
     std::cout << "Second time area equals " << area << "\n";
     area = f(length);
     std::cout << "Third time area equals " << area << "\n";
     return 0;
 int f(int length, int width, int height)
     return (length * width * height);
First time area equals 10000
Second time area equals 5000
Third time area equals 2500

7.6.default arguments
7.6.1.Demonstrate default arguments
7.6.2.Function with two regular parameters and one parameter with default value
7.6.3.Use two default parameter values
7.6.4.Ambiguous function call with function with default parameter value
7.6.5.Using multiple default parameter values: defaults for reference parameters
7.6.6.demonstrates missing and default arguments