Incrementing and decrementing an object pointer : object pointer « Class « C++ Tutorial

#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 
class MyClass { 
  int x; 
  void setX(int val) { x = val; } 
  void display(){ cout << x << "\n"; } 
int main() 
  MyClass ob[2], *p; 
  ob[0].setX(10);  // access objects directly 
  p = &ob[0];      // obtain pointer to first element 
  p->display();    // show value of ob[0] using pointer 
  p++;             // advance to next object 
  p->display();    // show value of ob[1] using pointer 
  p--;             // retreat to previous object 
  p->display();    // again show value of ob[0] 
  return 0; 

9.34.object pointer
9.34.1.Use class pointer and class array together
9.34.2.Use & to get object address
9.34.3.Incrementing and decrementing an object pointer
9.34.4.Pointers as data members
9.34.5.Pointers to Class Members
9.34.6.To use a pointer to the object, you need to use the ->* operator
9.34.7.Use new to allocate memory for a class pointer
9.34.8.Passing References to Objects
9.34.9.normal functions accessed from pointer
9.34.10.Sort person objects using array of pointers