make a big vector and then minimize its memory : vector capacity « vector « C++ Tutorial

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int main( )
   const int big_size = 10000;
   vector<double> v( big_size );
   // make a big vector and then minimize its memory
   v.assign( big_size, 3.33 );
   cout << "\n\nBefore resizing, the capacity of the vector is "
      << v.capacity() << " and its size is " << v.size();
   v.resize( 1 );
   cout << "\nAfter resizing, the capacity of the vector is "
      << v.capacity() << " and its size is " << v.size();
   vector<double>( v ).swap( v );

   cout << "\nAfter swapping, the capacity of the vector is "
      << v.capacity() << " and its size is " << v.size();

16.7.vector capacity
16.7.1.make a big vector and then deallocate all its memory
16.7.2.make a big vector and then minimize its memory
16.7.3.make the vector as large as possible without reallocating
16.7.4.Demonstrating the STL vector capacity
16.7.5.Demonstrating the STL vector capacity and reserve functions