Insert elements of array into a list : list insert « list « C++ Tutorial

#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

#include <list>      // list class-template definition
#include <algorithm> // copy algorithm
#include <iterator>  // ostream_iterator

int main()
   int array[ 4 ] = { 2, 6, 4, 8 };
   std::list< int > values;      // create list of ints
   std::list< int > otherValues; // create list of ints
   std::ostream_iterator< int > output( cout, " " );

   // insert items in values
   values.push_front( 1 );
   values.push_front( 3 );
   values.push_back( 4 );
   values.push_back( 2 );

   cout << "values contains: ";
   std::copy( values.begin(), values.end(), output );

   values.insert( values.begin(), array, array + 4 );

   cout << "\n\nvalues contains: ";
   std::copy( values.begin(), values.end(), output );

   cout << endl;
   return 0;
values contains: 3 1 4 2

values contains: 2 6 4 8 3 1 4 2

17.8.list insert
17.8.1.Insert one at a time
17.8.2.Insert 3 fours
17.8.3.Insert another list
17.8.4.Insert an array in there
17.8.5.Inserting Elements in the List Using push_front
17.8.6.Inserting Elements in the List Using push_back
17.8.7.Inserting elements from another list at the beginning
17.8.8.Inserting elements from another list at the end
17.8.9.Insert elements of array into a list
17.8.10.Combine insert and begin to add element to the start of a list
17.8.11.Combine insert and end to add elements to the end of a list