Replace values greater than 9 in a vector with 100 with replace_if() : replace if « STL Algorithms Modifying sequence operations « C++ Tutorial

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

bool greater9( int );

int main()
   const int SIZE = 10;
   int a[ SIZE ] = { 10, 2, 10, 4, 16, 6, 14, 8, 12, 10 };

   // Replace 10s in v1 with 100
   vector< int > v1( a, a + SIZE );
   replace( v1.begin(), v1.end(), 10, 100 );

   // Replace values greater than 9 in v3 with 100
   vector< int > v3( a, a + SIZE );
   replace_if( v3.begin(), v3.end(), greater9, 100 );

   return 0;

bool greater9( int x )
   return x > 9;

24.12.replace if
24.12.1.std::replace_if with predicate
24.12.2.Replace value equal to 70 with 42 in a deque
24.12.3.Using 'std::replace_if' to replace even values by -1
24.12.4.Replace values greater than 9 in a vector with 100 with replace_if()