Use std::fill_n to fill the first five elements of chars with 'A' : fill_n « STL Algorithms Modifying sequence operations « C++ Tutorial

#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

#include <algorithm> // algorithm definitions
#include <vector>    // vector class-template definition
#include <iterator>  // ostream_iterator

int main()
   std::vector< char > chars( 10 );
   std::ostream_iterator< char > output( cout, " " );
   std::fill( chars.begin(), chars.end(), '5' ); // fill chars with 5s
  // fill first five elements of chars with As
   std::fill_n( chars.begin(), 5, 'A' );

   cout << "Vector chars after filling with 5s:\n";
   std::copy( chars.begin(), chars.end(), output );
   cout << endl;
   return 0;
Vector chars after filling with 5s:
A A A A A 5 5 5 5 5

24.2.1.Use the fill_n algorithms: Fill 3 more positions with Y's
24.2.2.Use std::fill_n to fill the first five elements of chars with 'A'
24.2.3.Use fill_n function to insert 'hello' nine times
24.2.4.Use fill_n function to replace all but two elements with 'hi'
24.2.5.Use fill_n to Fill the three elements starting at offset position 3 with value -9