Return a string padded with the given string for the given count. : String Concatenation « Data Type « Java Tutorial

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public class Main{

  //                            Padding Methods                          //

   * Return a string padded with the given string for the given count.
   * @param buff       String buffer used for padding (buffer is not reset).
   * @param string     Pad element.
   * @param count      Pad count.
   * @return           Padded string.
  public static String pad(final StringBuffer buff, final String string,
     final int count)
     for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)

     return buff.toString();

   * Return a string padded with the given string for the given count.
   * @param string     Pad element.
   * @param count      Pad count.
   * @return           Padded string.
  public static String pad(final String string, final int count)
     return pad(new StringBuffer(), string, count);

   * Return a string padded with the given string value of an object
   * for the given count.
   * @param obj     Object to convert to a string.
   * @param count   Pad count.
   * @return        Padded string.
  public static String pad(final Object obj, final int count)
     return pad(new StringBuffer(), String.valueOf(obj), count);


2.22.String Concatenation
2.22.1.String concatenation: '+' operation generates a new String object
2.22.2.String concatenation: The + contains null
2.22.3.String concatenation: Convert an integer to String and join with two other strings
2.22.4.String concatenation: Combining a string and integers
2.22.5.String concatenation: Combining integers and a string
2.22.6.Substring replacement.
2.22.7.Pad string
2.22.8.Padded String
2.22.9.Return a string padded with the given string for the given count.