What Is a Java Class? : Defining Class « Class Definition « Java Tutorial

Classes are the fundamental building blocks of a Java program. You can define an Employee class as follows:

class Employee {
  int age;

  double salary;
  1. By convention, class names capitalize the initial of each word.
  2. For example: Employee, Boss, DateUtility, PostOffice, RegularRateCalculator.
  3. This type of naming convention is known as Pascal naming convention.
  4. The other convention, the camel naming convention, capitalize the initial of each word, except the first word.
  5. Method and field names use the camel naming convention.

5.1.Defining Class
5.1.1.What Is a Java Class?
5.1.3.Defining Classes: A class has fields and methods
5.1.4.Creating Objects of a Class
5.1.5.Checking whether the object referenced was of type String
5.1.6.Class declaration with one method
5.1.7.Class declaration with a method that has a parameter
5.1.8.Class that contains a String instance variable and methods to set and get its value
5.1.9.Class with a constructor to initialize instance variables
5.1.10.Specifying initial values in a class definition