List Tags : HTML Parser « Development « Java Tutorial

import javax.swing.text.html.HTML;

public class MainClass {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    HTML.Tag[] list = HTML.getAllTags();
    for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
      System.out.println((i + 1) + ": " + list[i]);


1: a
2: address
3: applet
4: area
5: b
6: base
7: basefont
8: big
9: blockquote
10: body
11: br
12: caption
13: center
14: cite
15: code
16: dd
17: dfn
18: dir
19: div
20: dl
21: dt
22: em
23: font
24: form
25: frame
26: frameset
27: h1
28: h2
29: h3
30: h4
31: h5
32: h6
33: head
34: hr
35: html
36: i
37: img
38: input
39: isindex
40: kbd
41: li
42: link
43: map
44: menu
45: meta
46: nobr
47: noframes
48: object
49: ol
50: option
51: p
52: param
53: pre
54: samp
55: script
56: select
57: small
58: span
59: strike
60: s
61: strong
62: style
63: sub
64: sup
65: table
66: td
67: textarea
68: th
69: title
70: tr
71: tt
72: u
73: ul
74: var

6.31.HTML Parser
6.31.1.List Tags
6.31.2.html parser DTD
6.31.3.Use javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit to parse HTML
6.31.4.extends HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback
6.31.5.Parse HTML
6.31.6.Convert to HTML string
6.31.7.Escape HTML
6.31.8.Filter message string for characters that are sensitive in HTML
6.31.9.Filter the specified message string for characters that are sensitive in HTML
6.31.10.HTML color names
6.31.11.Text To HTML
6.31.12.Unescape HTML
6.31.13.Utility methods for dealing with HTML
6.31.14.insert HTML block dynamically
6.31.15.A collection of all character entites defined in the HTML4 standard.
6.31.16.Decode an HTML color string like '#F567BA;' into a Color