Creating Your Own Dialogs : Dialog « SWT « Java Tutorial

To create your own dialog, you do the following:

  1. Subclass org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Dialog.
  2. Implement a method named open() that returns an object appropriate to your dialog's purpose.
  3. In open(), create the window, create the controls and event handlers (including controls and event handlers to dismiss the dialog), and display the window.
  4. Provide getters and setters for any data.

17.109.1.Using the Dialogs
17.109.2.Create a dialog shellCreate a dialog shell
17.109.3.Create a dialog shell and position itCreate a dialog shell and position it
17.109.4.Create a dialog shell (prompt for a value)Create a dialog shell (prompt for a value)
17.109.5.Creating Your Own Dialogs
17.109.6.Create your own dialog classes which allows users to input a StringCreate your own dialog classes which allows users to input a String
17.109.7.Prevent escape from closing a dialog
17.109.8.Display an Empty DialogDisplay an Empty Dialog