Search Filter Symbols : Context « J2EE Application « Java Tutorial

Symbol   Description   
&       Logical and. All items in the list must be true, as in (&(a=1)(b=2) ).   
|       Logical or. One or more of the items must be true, as in (|(a=1)(b=2) ).   
!       Not. The negated item must be false, as in (!(3=4)) is true.   
=       Checks for equality based on the matching rule of the attribute.   
~=      Checks for approximate equality based on the matching rule of the attribute.   
>=      Checks that the attribute is greater than the value.   
<=      Checks that the attribute is less than the value.   
=*       Checks for existence of the attribute.   
*       In an equality test; represents a wildcard representing zero or more characters at that position, as in (name=Alb*).   
\       Used for escaping *, (, and ) inside an attribute value.

32.3.1.Create Context
32.3.2.Access a specific object by using the lookup or lookupLink methods
32.3.3.Deleting an Object Binding
32.3.4.Renaming and Moving an Object
32.3.5.Replacing and Adding Objects
32.3.6.Bind class.
32.3.7.Using a search result, you could you could use the following program to print the results:
32.3.8.returns a NamingEnumeration of people
32.3.9.Search Filter Symbols