NaN stands for Not a Number : Introduction « Number Data Type « JavaScript Tutorial

NaN is an odd special value.

In general, this occurs when conversion from another type fails.

NaN cannot be used in mathematical calculations.

NaN is not equal to itself.

alert(NaN == NaN);    //outputs "false"

It is not recommended to use the NaN value itself.

Instead, you can use the function isNaN().


5.1.2.Number() Object
5.1.3.Variables are loosely typed.
5.1.4.Built-in Values
5.1.5.Special Numerical Values
5.1.6.Primitive and Reference Values
5.1.7.Primitive Types
5.1.8.The Undefined Type
5.1.9.The Null Type
5.1.10.The Boolean Type
5.1.11.The Number Type
5.1.12.Number.MAX_VALUE and Number.MIN_VALUE define the outer bounds of the Number value set
5.1.13.NaN stands for Not a Number
5.1.14.JavaScript primitive values, Booleans, numbers, and strings, are pseudo-objects
5.1.15.Reference Types