All the characters that require a backslash character to be taken literally within a pattern. : Introduction « Regular Expressions « JavaScript Tutorial

\fForm feed
\rCarriage return
\vVertical tab
\/Forward slash (/)
\\Backward slash (\)
\.Period (.)
\*Asterisk (*)
\+Plus (+)
\?Question Mark (?)
\|Horizontal bar (|)
\(Left parenthesis (
\)Right parenthesis )
\[Left bracket ([)
\]Right bracket (])
\{Left curly brace ({)
\}Right curly brace (})
\XXXASCII character represented by the octal number XXX
\xHHASCII character represented by the hexadecimal number HH
\cXThe control character represented by X

26.1.1.Pattern Matching
26.1.2.Defining Patterns
26.1.3.All the characters that require a backslash character to be taken literally within a pattern.
26.1.4.Pattern Attributes
26.1.5.Testing for Pattern Matches
26.1.6.The pattern matching methods in the RegExp object require String objects.