Get element index in an array : Array « Dojo toolkit « JavaScript Tutorial

    <script type="text/javascript">
      var djConfig = {
        baseScriptUri : "js/dojo/"
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/dojo/dojo/dojo.js"></script>
      var a = [ "A", "N", "K", "S", "A" ];
      alert(dojo.indexOf(a, "A") + ", " + dojo.indexOf(a, "S") +
        ", " + dojo.indexOf(a, "N", 0, true));

29.31.1.Array filter
29.31.2.Array index of
29.31.3.Array index offset
29.31.4.Get last index of
29.31.5.Is array like
29.31.6.Is object an array
29.31.7.Get element index in an array
29.31.8.Get item index